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Dominaria Campaign

A Dungeons & Dragons 5e game In the world of Dominaria
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Supporting Cast
  • Big Papa Borborygmos
    The Mighty big papa, acting Parun of the Gruul Clans. He's the Biggest, he's the angriest, he's the sexiest guy around. Bless Big Papa.
  • Hekara
    Hekara is known to be exceedingly quirky and chipper, with a short attention span. She is a pretty young woman, dressed in a particolored outfit made of a variety of dyed leather patches sewn together into a tight bodysuit. A dozen tiny silver bells hang from the tips of her hair, which is short and shaped into narrow spikes with what looked like paste. Her boots are enormous black things that look like they have been partially burned. She speaks Rakdos street slang, a patois, and accents cribbed from a half-dozen cultures. Like all razorwitches, Hekara is able to conjure double-ended, diamond-shaped knives out of thin air. Her hands are thickly cross-hatched with tiny cuts from these knives.
  • Lazav
    Apart from him being a mindmage and a shapeshifter, details about Lazav are scarce. He (or she, or they) claims to take orders from some greater power. Lazav has a regal bearing and wears a flowing leather cloak, made from the hide of some beast that had gone extinct ages ago. He is able to warp reality and seems to attract all of the magic in his surroundings toward him. Lazav's flickering cloak of illusion makes him appear as a blurred, shifting humanoid figure with an ever-changing arrangement of clothes and features. His voice is made harsh and anonymous by a strange buzz, as though heard on the other side of a thick wall.
  • Ronan
    The old man introduced himself as a carpenter, brother of a skilled blacksmith that lives upriver of Sparrobburgh. In exchange for checking on his brother, Ronan has offered a small monetary reward and the use of his workshop.
  • Tomik Vrona
    Tomik is a handsome young man with brown hair. He wears glasses. Tomik specializes in contracts, verbal agreements, and barriers protecting physical treasures.

Scheduled Sessions

Wed 15th June 2022 8:30



This story is told by

The Protagonists


Chaotic Neutral Eladrin (Variant) (Folk Hero)
Ranger 2
22 / 22 HP