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Tyranny in Phlan

A Dungeons & Dragons 5e game In the world of Toril
| Looking for Players


  • Phlan
    Phlan fue fundada en la cima de Valjevo Isle, una pequeña isla dentro del delta formado por la desembocadura del río Stojanow y creció alrededor del castillo del mismo nombre de la isla. Alrededor del siglo XV DR, Phlan se dividió en dos áreas prominentes, la antigua ciudad amurallada, que abarcaba tanto la Antigua Phlan como la Phlan Civilizada. La ciudad estaba entonces dividida en varios distritos separados, como el empobrecido Distrito de Chabolas, el distrito costero de los Muelles y el próspero Barrio de los Nobles.   Durante muchos años, las calles de la Antigua Phlan fueron invadidas por criaturas monstruosas creando un paisaje infernal que era completamente inhóspito para la vida civilizada.   La totalidad de Phlan era una ciudad construida sobre las ruinas de su pasado, en el sentido más literal. Debajo de Phlan había un sistema de alcantarillado envejecido con un vertedero que se abría hacia el río Stojanow.   Phlan tenía varios transbordadores que cruzaban el río, conectando la Ciudad Antigua con el creciente Barrio de los Nobles. En el siglo XIV DR, había al menos dos transbordadores. Sin embargo, a finales del siglo XV DR, se construyeron dos puentes, lo que hacía más rápido el viaje entre las dos partes de la ciudad.   En el siglo XIV DR, el Distrito de los Muelles estaba compuesto por dos áreas, la Phlan Oriental y la Phlan Occidental, separadas por un muro y dos juegos de puertas: la Puerta del Traidor en el extremo norte y la Puerta del Parque en el extremo sur. La puerta del Parque recibió su nombre por el Parque Valhegen que se encontraba entre las dos puertas, mientras que la Puerta del Traidor llevaba el nombre del deshonrado Primer Consejero Porphyrys Cadorna. La puerta más occidental que llevaba a la ciudad era conocida como la Puerta de Kuto.
Supporting Cast
  • Alleena Moss
    Alleena Moss is a young girl that lived with her family on a farm in the Twilight Marsh of the Moonsea North.
  • Blaizette
    Blaizette is a halfling waitress in Phlan.
  • Bo Moss
    Bo Moss was the youngest child of the Moss family of the Twilight Marsh. Baby Bo was born sometime during the late 15th century DR.
  • Briez
    Among their other duties, Briez and her sisters would pick wildberries for jam to be served on biscuits.
  • Summerstrider Buhrell Caah
    Buhrell Caah is an agent of the Emerald Enclave in Phlan.
  • Ardragon Chaab
    Chaab is the leader of the Zhentarim in the Moonsea region.
  • Esma and Eve
    They are elderly women from Phlan that spent their time gossiping and concocting stories about others.
  • Gorrunk
    Gorrunk was a bugbear raider in Twilight Marsh
  • Grelinda
    Grelinda is a young woman that lives in Phlan and works at Madame Freona's Tea Kettle. She was one of Madame Freona's five daughters.
  • Capitan Grim Thornbuck
  • Halda
    Halda was a dragonborn of white dragon heritage in Phlan. She is in town to visit her family
  • Haldred Moss
    Haldred Moss is a peat farmer that lived on a farm in the Twilight Marsh of the Moonsea North.
  • Harae
  • Guard Sergent Hurn
    Hurn was a dwarf knight in Phlan.
  • Igan Sokol
  • Imizael
    Imizael is a innkeeper in Phlan
  • Brother Keefe
    Keefe is a priest of Kelemvor in Phlan
  • Kithian Moss
    Kithian Moss is a girl that lived with her family on a peat farm in the Twilight Marsh.
  • Liela
    Liela was a bureaucrat in Phlan
  • Madame Freona
    Madame Freona is a halfling businesswoman in Phlan.
  • Markoth Hasselpond
    Markoth Hasselpond, usually known as Fat Mar, was a waiter in Phlan.
  • Millivent Moss
    Millivent Moss is a farmer that lived in and worked in the Twilight Marsh near Phlan.
  • Olisara Lightsong
  • Quayle Moss
    Quayle Moss is a young lad that came from a farming family, who made their way by farming peat in the Twilight Marsh.
  • Reece
    Reece is a halfling girl that lives in Phlan that works at Madame Freona's Tea Kettle. She is one of five daughter's the restaurant's owner, Madame Freona.
  • Rillo Leadstopper
    Rillo Leadstopper was a gnome tinkerer in Phlan
  • Schuyler
    Schuyler is a food critic in Phlan
  • Surruk
    Surruk was an wild elven woodsman in Phlan.
  • Tane, Tawn & Tine
    These Brothers are tumblers and performers that travel across the Realms.
  • Trett
    Trett was a merchant in Phlan.
  • Marcheon Villonah Leadstopper
    Daughter of Rillo Leadstopper
  • Volland Moss
    Volland Moss is a young boy that lived with his family on a peat farm in the Twilight Marsh.
  • Whittlee
    Whittlee is a young woman of Phlan that works as a server at Madame Freona's Tea Kettle. She is one of five daughter's the restaurant's owner and proprietress, Madame Freona.
  • Xandria Welltran
    Xandria Welltran was a resident of Phlan that lived in the city and died some time during or before the late 15th century DR. There was evidence that she was a member of, or otherwise associated with the first iteration of the Cult of the Dragon.
  • Yanna Hammerbound
    Yanna Hammerbound was a dwarf and a high-ranking member of the Ironhanded in Phlan.
  • Marcheon Yllivia
    Yllivia was a scout and member of the Order of the Gauntlet in Phlan.
  • Yovir Glandon
    Yovir Glandon is the high priest of Kelemvor in Phlan. He was also a member of the Order of the Silent Shroud.

Scheduled Sessions

Sat 27th May 2023 19:00

Defiance in Phlan (Part 2)

Sessions Archive

2nd Jul 2023

Defiance in Phlan (Part 3)

The group followed the directions of Rillo, a gnome who was looking for his missing daughter. They discovered a secret prison full of tortured prisoners. After fighting guards and traps, they rescued Vinollah, Rillo’s daughter. They were greeted by Ilvia, her lover and partner in the Order of the Gauntlet. Their mission had been to steal a map of the lair of a white dragon. Rillo and Ilvia paid them for their help. The group had completed their mission successfully.

Read the Report
The Cult of the Dragon has come to Phlan, a lawless refuge on the Moonsea. Now, with no significant authority to stop the cult, other power groups in the Realms – the Harpers, Order of the Gauntlet, Lords' Alliance, and even the Zhentarim – must unite to stop the cult from fulfilling its dark purpose in the city. Join the fight by participating in any one of five different missions aimed at stopping the cult.

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