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Dungeons and Dumbasses

A Dungeons & Dragons 5th Edition Modern game In the world of Dungeons and Dumbasses
| Looking for Players
Supporting Cast
  • Yelt Putt
    A lowly beggar caught in a bad situation. He doesn't seem to be very talkative, yet has an air of mystery to him. I mean, either that, or he just smells bad, who knows

Scheduled Sessions

Wed 1st April 2020 7:00

Session 5: Things unknown

After barely making their way through the sewers of lower Dura, and finding a possible new companion, they end up in more stress inducing situations. Will they survive? And if they do, will they even want to recount the horrors they experienced on... THE OTHER SIDE

Sessions Archive

1st Apr 2020

Session 5: Things unknown

After barely making their way through the sewers of lower Dura, and finding a possible new companion, they end up in more stress inducing situations. Will they survive? And if they do, will they even want to recount the horrors they experienced on... THE OTHER SIDE

This story is told by

The Protagonists

Obidiah Whitestar

Level 1 Earth Genas Neutral Good Monk
11 / 11 HP