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Session #1: The Lost Schema Report

General Summary

Dawn breaks onboard The Golden Dragon, a skyship run by House Lyrandar. Today is the day that the ship docks in Sharn, the City of Towers. The end destination for four of the passengers on the ship. Our passengers debark the ship and converge on a job board listing various odd jobs, but not before Luna attempts to befriend Lilith. Everyone seems to find one posting particularly interesting. An archaeologist at Morgrave University's College of Pre-Galifar studies is looking for adventurers to recover relics. Felkin grabs the ad and tries to make a break from the group but they follow him anyway. They board a sky coach and make their way to the university.

Upon coming to the university it begins to rain. The newly formed party makes their way across one of the sky bridges and comes across a dead body, after a brief encounter with a warforged, they search the body and discover that it is Bonal Geldem, the man they were supposed to meet regarding the job posting. The party is then intercepted by a mysterious messenger telling them that if they want to know the truth of what happened they should come to the Broken Anvil Inn at dawn.

Naturally the party immediately goes to the Broken Anvil Inn, despite dawn being 10 hours away. Erevan and Luna each rent a room and get a good night of rest while Felkin camps out at the bar and later sits on the stoop of the inn looking angsty. Lilith retreats to her shell in a corner of the tavern part of this inn.

In the morning the party meets Lady Elaydren d'Cannith. A lower member of the nobility of House Cannith, bearers of the dragonmark of Making, expert artificers and manufacturers. She shares that her and Bonal were working on recovering an ancient family relic dating back 1000 years. An old schema, the schemtics that House Cannith uses for their magical manufacturing. The lady shares that she will reward the party handsomely if they can recover the relic in the bowels of Dorasharn Tower, deep beneath the current sewer system.

The party makes their way through the goblin Rat's Market with the help of fancy tailor goblin Nibbur and shopkeeper Shakan, and come to the E-213 Valve Cluster, behind which they should find the secret entrance to the Lost Forge. They encounter another warforged and two shifters quickly killing the enemies. They make their way to the massive cavern 57 stories beneath the valve cluster.

The party finds a cavern filled with ancient ruins, including a temple and the lost foundry. They solve a puzzle to open the secret safe by dispatching the two Iron Defender dogs still guarding the foundry. Inside they find a wealth of treasure as well as the schema. However the party does not have much time to celebrate as the radical disciple of the Lord of Dust, Saber, attempts to take the schema from the party. Thankfully the party is able to kill Saber and escape and return the schema Lady Elaydren.

The Lady d'Cannith thanks the party, rewards them, and tells them that they may be of further service to her in the future and that she will message them through the House Sivis messaging system. The party goes to bed, tired from their adventure through the city of towers, unsure of what tomorrow will bring.

Rewards Granted

-2000 gp, year of lodging, and Contynenntil Breakfast from Lady Elaydren
-100 sp, 100gp, 4 50gp ingots, 3 potions of greater healing, 1 potion of fire resistance, an old map, the schema from the Cannith Vault as well as various weapons and armor.

Missions/Quests Completed

The Forgotten Forge

Real World Date: August 22, 2023
Eberron Dates: 20-21 Olarune, 998 YK

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