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Session 2: a valliant rescue Report

General Summary

We last left off with Barakas and Tylee searching for the bandit captain. After searching for 1 hour they gave up the search and returned to the outpost. Raven waited for them to return with a unconscious Eshur beside him. The party decided to look around camp. They first entered the building which was used as a barrack. Here they found 2 bandits sleeping. Barakas killed one in his sleep while the other was knocked out and captured. After they entered a building which was the bandit captains quarter. They looked around and found a locked drawer. They tried multiple ways of destroying the desk to open the drawer but they failed. The part then entered the last building and found Mikaal Dannihyr tied to the wall and gagged.  After they freed Dannihyr he told them that he heard the bandits talk about a stranger who informed the bandits about the cities military tactics.  They went into the courtyard where they interrogated the last remaining bandit. The bandit told the party that the bandit captain had received a down payment for kidnapping Mikaal and would alter receive the same amount tenfold. This payment was the reason that they kidnapped Mikaal. The bandit told them that the order came from someone within the city of Eshpurta, but who its was he could not tell. Both times the money was buried in a remote location and they were told of its location through letter.   The party returned to the city of Eshpurta. They Encountered some giant frogs along the way who they beat. During the night, Tylee tried to rob Raven. When they returned to the city, Barakas took the prisoner and turned him in at the temple, while Tylee en Raven followed Eshur and Mikaal to their home. Barakas joined them later on after which they received the robe of usefull items. Mikaal told the party he would hold a banquet in their name and asked the party if they could look into the matter more by asking around in the eastern part of town. The part where all the shady people resided. Someone there should know something regarding his kidnapping. The party agreed, but first they would go back to the forest and capture or kill the bandit captain.  Barakas returned to the temple to ask the paladin commander a favor. He was challenged to a dual by the commander who expected to win, but was swiftly taken down by the tiefling.  Barakas asked the commander afterwards if he could send some more patrols around the house of Mikaal. For his protection. After this he left town looking for the bandit Captain. In the meantime Raven tried to store his money in a safe place. He tried Joining the Merchant Guild. He met with Antoine, the guild master of this town who offered him a contract, but right before signing the merchant added some additional fees ( 10% of entire year income ). Raven thought the entire deal shady and decided to leave.   They left for the forest where they found the hideout. they first tried to capture the bandit captain, but they eventually killed him. After which they returned to the city.

The endless journey

Tylee Tri

Chaotic Good Elf (Outlander)
Druid 3
22 / 22 HP


Chaotic Neutral Thiefling (Zariel) (Soldier)
Paladin 6
54 / 54 HP
Report Date
17 Nov 2021

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