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Session 1: The city of Eshpurta Report

General Summary

The players started of in the mansion of Eshur Dannihyr. Son of kidnapped city official Mikaal Dannihyr. He asked adventurers to save his father from bandits who have taken him hostage on his way back to the city of Eshpurta. Eshur himself wanted to make sure his father was safe and so he would accompany the party to the outpost where the bandits are currently residing. The players would meet near the western gate at dawn.   Tylee would first visit the armor shop and the general goods store before meeting up with Barakas at the temple of Tempus in the North of Eshpurta. She bought 2 daggers from the armorer named Randall. When she entered the General Goods store : Gray Goose Provisions, she saw 2 elderly people behind the counter arguing about the lenght of a tree they once had in their backyard. Tylee tried to get their attention, but the couple continued their discussion. She took the item she needed from one of the shelves and approached the counter. She tried talking but was ignored again and again until she snapped and extend claws from her fingersnails and dug them into the counter, destroying part of it.  The elderly couple were frightened, but wanted money for the reparation of their counter which Tylee refused to pay. She put some money down for the Waterskin and fled the store.  In the meantime Raven had found an inn to stay at. it was a moderatly comfortable inn.  Barakas had entered a cell in the temple where he would stay for the night, but not before telling one of the guards in front of the temple to arrest an elven who would approach them asking for him. The guards refused to arrest the elf but would inform them that she would be sleeping in the dungeon where the prisoners were kept. Tylee did not seem to mind, but would soon find out that meditating in a dungeon where people are being tortured is not an easy thing. She left the dungeon after 4,5 hours and meditated on the street in front of the temple after which she would roam the streets of the city.   When a new day broke, Raven would visit the General Goods store where he talked to the elderly couple who were still shook from there encounter which a devilish Elven lady. They had reported the crime and there was an arrest warrant out. Raven didn't hesitate one second and told the couple he could capture here for them. The reward was 10 Gold pieces.  He notified the guards but told them the wrong meeting spot.  After a small misunderstanding they changed course towards the bridge where they found the party waiting for him. Raven approached in the guards in tow. They arrested Tylee, but after a small discussion, they agreed to let her go if she would pay the fine and apologized to the old couple. She reluctantly did and was let go after which party finally started towards their location.   On their way to the outpost the players suddenly had a change of scenery as the grassy fields turned into a murky swamp.  Only Tylee managed to see through the illusion that was cast by faery dragons.  She tried to talk to the dragons for save passage across the river, but the dragons attacked. In the end 3 of the 4 dragons were killed. The last one fled.   Half a day later they arrived at their destination. They set up a plan. Raven would turn Barakas invisible. He would fly to both sides of the outpost and set the wooden wall on fire to distract the bandits and to split them up. After which he would fly to the entrance of the outpost and remove the bar blocking the door.   The plan succeeded and the party entered the outpost. Suprising 1 enemy after which a battle ensued in which more and more enemies gathered near the gate of the outpost. Eshur was struck down and layed unconscious on the field while Tylee was pretty battered after. Barakas and Raven never encountered any problems during the fight. The battle dragged on for a while and near the end the Bandit Captain and a bandit fled over the outpost walls into the forest. The party tried to look for them, but never found them.

Character(s) interacted with

randall - armorer shopkeeper anja and Ray - Gray Goose provisions.

The endless journey

Tylee Tri

Chaotic Good Elf (Outlander)
Druid 3
22 / 22 HP


Chaotic Neutral Thiefling (Zariel) (Soldier)
Paladin 6
54 / 54 HP
Report Date
19 Oct 2021

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