Session XI: The Heart of Amnwater Report
General Summary
After Barakas woke up the party decided to pack up and head towards Amnwater where, according to reports, Mikaal Dannihyr went. After 8 days of travel the party arrived at Amnwater where they heard someone give a speech to a bunch of people about something that got stolen. Later it turned out that the recipe of their local beer got stolen. a beer so valueable that almost their entire economy depends on the sales of it. The party asked around and found the perpatrator named Hef in a local village a couple of days travel from Amnwater. He hid in the basement of an old friends home. A friend who was supposed to help him sell the beer in the area surrounding Amnwater. no one died and the party decided to head north towards the Ford because Barakas was intrigued by the warriors who stay there. Soldiers who are known as the stronest in the entire region of Amn.