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Session X: The Cult of Asmodeus Report

General Summary

After retrieving their bag of holding and receiving the reward for clearing the Mine. The party ventures towards the woods in the North where, according to the man named Mole, a hideout belonging to some sort cult can be found. Mole asked the players to find the cult. Investigate and return to him with the information they found about the people there.   Almost near their destination, the party have an encounter with 2 hellhounds. After the battle they rest and head down the entrance of the hideout. They turn 2 corners when they enter a room where people are waiting for them. one of them asks the party how they got past the hellhounds. When the party tells the man they killed the hounds the man looks towards one of his companions and then towards the tunnel where the party came from. He asks for safe passage which the party promises. When the first man moves towards the tunnel he is cut down by Barakas who lied and shows no mercy towards his enemies.  His companion gets killed by one of the higher ranking members of the cult for betraying the cult before he could make a move towards the tunnel.   After killing the remaining people in the room the party ventures further inside the shrine. They first move towards the left. The first room they enter is decorated with limbs from humans/elves and other races. This room has 2 passages. They first move left and enter some sort of Study. Here they find a diary in which the events of recents years are described. It also describes of a prisoner and a person contacted by this prisoner. The events described match the timeline of Raven his story about how his village was destroyed. ( something he himself did not notice ).   They continued through the shrine, killing the leader and destroying the crystal that was described in the diary as one of the objects thats keeps the prison intact where Raven his patron is been locked in. After destroying the crystal he gets contacted by his patron, who says there are 2 more crystals, but she is unsure where exactly. She can propably pinpoint the location when they get near the location of where the crystals can be found.   They fight some shadows that sucks the strength out of people and leave the shrine shortly after. The shrine will probably burn down given the fire they started.   They return to mole and explain to Mole how they entered the shrine and killed everybody inside. Something he did not ask them to do, considering he had other plans. To teach them a lesson about discipline and following instructions he gives a small nod and a second later a dagger smalls into the back of  barakas, almost killing him in one strike. Mole warns them to do nothing stupid, gets up and leaves the tavern. Raven and Tylee are left with a unconscious Barakas.   That is where the session ends

The endless journey

Tylee Tri

Chaotic Good Elf (Outlander)
Druid 3
22 / 22 HP


Chaotic Neutral Thiefling (Zariel) (Soldier)
Paladin 6
54 / 54 HP
Report Date
26 Oct 2022

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