Chapter 5: Timewarp Report
General Summary
The party as they were traveling up the hill towards Manharts Tower encountered a bizzare instance of corpses appearing all around them and slowing their walk. Firenze kicking into actiong and yelling at the others to run as some corpses begin twitching. In an quick attempt at athleticism Firenze bolted through the zombies breaking them apart as he galloped towards the others. By the time he had made it though all the corpses and zombies were gone and some apprentices to Manhart the wizard were looking at them perplexed. One of the apprentices Niles came forward asking the group what they were doing with Firenze trying to explain their predicametn. Niles just laughed it off explained that weird chrono zones appear in the area due to Manharts immense power. Concerned by this the group attemped to hurry on but they were summoned by Manharts booming voice, which bid Niles to take the group to him. Niles Said don't mention the Albino Halfings Manhart has chrono fit, which Firenze tries to fix by shouting about albino halflings and transports everyone somewhere else where they help a young Manhart fight a Crystal dragon and its wyrmling after seeing his Albino Halfling Homonulus die at their hands. After beating them the group return to the regular Manhart who is now normal and gifts the group with a Chrono Ring and a Gemstone.