Castle Calaelen, The Finale Report
General Summary
The Furry Ballsack managed to escape an impending lethal confrontation following Ruger Maxwell IX accidentally alerting the entire castle by rushing out the front door of Castle Calaelen and unwittingly springing an arrow trap into the faces of a band of gnolls rushing to ambush the party. After successfully killing the gnoll leader, the remaining gnolls chose to flee and fight another day. After recovering from their wounds in Zelkor's Outpost, the Furry Ballsacks travelled to Os Gulch to identify a handful of scrolls they had found in Castle Calaelen. After following a couple leads, they met Amnestria Yllabalar, the proprieter of Summerhouse. She gave the novice party a few tips on scrolls and identified one of the scrolls that had been located by the party. The party then returned to Zelkor's Outpost to re-equip, hire some muscle and prepare themselves to continue their adventures around Rappan Athuk.
Character(s) interacted with
Amnestria Yllabalar Odo Bristleback Taqi al-Habib Delvark Seadancer Smiley High Priest Ramaeshwara Sardar