Journey to the Worlds End

A Dungeons & Dragons 5th Edition Modern game In the world of Mythoterra
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The world of Mythoterra has found itself in relative peace for some time. Although it is still a young creation, it has seen its share of evolution, disaster, cataclysm, and rebirths. An empire had risen to unite men against tyrant giants and titans, and fell shortly after usurping their thrones. This led to many generations of wars for succession, eventually tampering out into the tense peace that plagues the lands today. Hostilities grow between factions, and war again is seeming apparent. Many parts of the world remain mysterious and isolated, yet to be brought into the fray of honourable civilization. Most importantly, it appears, rumours spread of dark powers growing in the far off reaches of the world. The responsibility of holding these forces back and smiting them out of the physical world is yet to be claimed. Will it be you who answers the call to heroism?

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