Session Report Finding Sis - Part 1

General Summary

Having made their way west across the Eldeen Reaches, Zaviyar and his companions now focus entirely on finding his sister. From Toiplin they head due south until the reach the foothills of the Byeshk mountains before heading west.   The second day into their trek they encounter what the Byeshk's are most infamous for: harpies. While Sir Gareth finds himself pretty battered and bruised under one of their rock slide traps, they avoid the worst of the vile creatures enchantments and kill one and drive the other off. They spend the rest of the day tracking down the harpie, take her out and raid her nest finding a collection of old marbles but nothing more.   The following evening they are surprised by late night rain and on the following day as they approach Yrlag they learn that it was hit the previous evening by a powerful storm the locals call a "Westerner" that caused a significant amount of damgage. They are in town less than five minutes before they are approached Tavian d'Sivis and Kethra d'Tharashk two dragonmark heirs hired by Andal d'Lyrandar to head up the investigation into how the ships that should have been protected by House Lyrandar's Mark of the Storm ended up severly damaged in last evening's westerner.   The party spends the rest of the day trying to figure out what to do. What they learn is that Andal is incensed that someone would be idept or foolish enough to let his ships get damaged and no one is leaving or entering the Yrlag docks until he gets to the bottom of the matter. There is not much they can do as House Lyrandar has final authority over the docks and the canal leading out to the port. However, they also learn that there is a smuggler in town who is very anxious to leave.   The next morning, after an enjoyable evening spent in the local Gold Dragon Inn of House Ghallanda, they track down Valtor Stonefist. Sir Gareth and he quickly come to an agreement and he tells them to meet him in a couple hours just outside of town. They do and after a 4 hour cross land trek to the coast, they come to a small cove where the dwarf has anchored his ship, The Little Lover. In short order they are off.   The following day as the ship leaves the Cresent Bay and out into the Barren Sea, Valtor immediately doesn't like what he sees to the west. As the ship tacks closer and closer to shore, the crew and passengers watch nervously as a storm grows darker and darker on the horizon.   The weather was the least of their worries that evening, however, when in the middle of the night a covern of sea hags attack The Little Lover apparently for no other purpose than to see how many of the crew they could disembowl, behead and gut before tossing them overboard. 11 of the crew are viscously murdered as the foul beast cackle and shout out their kill counts in glee. Finally, Uncle Stral fights throuh his terror of the creatures and emerges from his hiding place to put the final hits on the one sea hag the rest of the crew and party managed to really put the hurt on. Once her sister has fallen the other two quickly retreat into the depths.   Valtor looks to Zaviyar and his companions and thanks them for their aid but quickly turns to trying to figure out what mindless labor tasks he can give them to make up for his now decimated crew and to get them to Zarash'ak in a resonable amount of time.

Rewards Granted

  • Antique marbles from harpies nest
  • Several dozen enchanted byeshk arrows (+1 to hit and dmg) from smiths in Yrlag
  • Two byeshk daggers (will hurt creatures immune to normal Piercing damage) from smiths in Yrlag
  • Campaign
    Gate Crashers
    Report Date
    17 Apr 2023
    Primary Location

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