Session 4 Report

General Summary

the party had a night's sleep at the red house, with some party members going shopping or snooping (nephele bought light crosbow bolts) , orym "snuck" around the road by the shipyard, with very little success, but did get some ground info about the shipyard.   the party then met kadrana in the morning, and was told more about the situation, a detective, Hal lincoln has been hired by the owner of the ship, and seems to suspect kadrana, she asks the party to also investigate, and says she can't offer much money, but could come up with something if they figure it out.   the party questions a few people, Pierce, Kiddleleng, and Hadrian, among a few others who are unhelpful.   they learn that Hal's methods are not very good, and rather sloppy to say the least.   we ended the session at the engineering docks, looking for a skug names enerug.

Wildspace Campaign
Report Date
23 Jan 2023

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