Barovia Dungeons & Dragons 5e Campaign

A Dungeons & Dragons 5e game In the world of Barovia
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Supporting Cast
  • Adrien Martikov
    Eldest son of the Martikov family. The only unmarried Martikov.
  • Alexei Canjar
    Vistana of the Manusa Tasque Target of harassment by the others
  • Anastrasya Karelova
    A former Vallakian noblewoman, Anastrasya is the most proud of Strahd’s consorts. She is deeply jealous of the affection that Strahd holds for the memory of Tatyana, as well as the focus that she has on acquiring Ireena as a new bride.
  • Arabelle Zarovan
    Vistana of the Manusa tasque Daughter of Luvash 12 years old
  • Arik Vinshaw
    Barkeeper of Raven Wing Tavern and cousin of Muriel
  • Arrigal Zarovan
    Vistana of the Manusa Tasque Claims to be a servant of Indus Kolyanovich Delivered a letter to Eryn asking for her assistance
  • Bella Moon
    Adopted daughter of Morgan Moon Sister of Ophalia Helps her mother sell dream pastries at the mill
  • Bianca Stoyanovich
    Wife of Kiril, the new pack leader. Enjoys her new position of power.
  • Bildrath Cantemir
    Owner of Bildrath's Mercantile, the only general store in town He sends Parriwimple after anyone who attempts to open up a competing shop The abusive uncle of Parriwimple
  • Carmen Petre
    One of Vallaki's guards. She is the newest recruit and rather hostile towards outsiders
  • Claudia Belasco
    Priestess and caretaker of Saint Andral's orphanage
  • Costel Valistov
    Blind Blacksmith and owner of the Cracked Anvil.
  • Damia Bogarov
    Vistana of the Boem tasque Daughter of Stanimir and sister of Ratka
  • Danika Dorakova
    Wife of Urwin Martikov and co owner of the Blue Water Inn. The two have two children, Brom and Bray.
  • Davian Martikov
    Patriarch of the Martikov family and owner of the Wizard of Wines Winery. He has four children, Adrien, Urwin, Elvir, and Stefania. Muriel and Arek are his niece and nephew. Urwin left 10 years ago and the two have not talked since. His Wife has long passed, Elvir has recently been killed, and Stefania kidnapped.
  • Doorton
    Aasimar in the service of Aladoor.
  • Doru Donavich
    Son of Donavich When the Wizard, Mordenkainen came to Barovia, he and several other villagers joined the mage and stormed the castle When Strahd appeared, only Doru stood his ground with the wizard After Mordenkainen was thrown off the bridge, Strahd turned Doru into a vampire spawn to unleash on the village of Barovia
  • Dundee Vatraska
    Vistana of the Kaldresh Tasque Proprietor of wines, spirits, and other drinks Forced to flee her family due to providing too much help to the adventurers
  • Ernst Larnak
    House Servant in the employ of the Wachters
  • Escher von Preshlow
    In life Escher was a bard in a former adventuring par- ty that was brought to Barovia to fight against Strahd von Zarovich. Before slaughtering the rest of the party, Strahd took a liking to the talented poet and musi- cian’s wit and chose to keep him as a consort.
  • Felix
    Orphan at Saint Andral's Orphanage Lost his father during a trip between Barovia and Vallaki
  • Fiona Wachter
    The Matriarch of the Wachter family and governess. She has two children, Stella and Karl. Her husband, Nicolai has passed away.
  • Gertuda Magdalene
    Daughter of Mad Mary Mary locked her in her bedroom for 26 years to keep her safe from the evils of Barovia Her only company was Lancelot, her dog, and the collection of fairy tails her mother read to her A week ago, she slipped away and ran off into the night
  • Gregor Stefanovich
    Born Gregor Vatraska, he was eventually banished from his Tasque leading him to take refuge in Vallaki. He is despised by nearly everyone in town.
  • Helga Ruvak
    Originally a cobbler’s daughter from the Village of Barovia, Helga caught Strahd’s gaze with her beauty and dark hair. At first, she mistook her a reincar- nation of her long-lost Tatyana, but after turning her, Strahd was disabused of his delusion.
  • Henrik van der Voort
    Works as a coffin maker in the town of Vallaki.
  • Hewin Yustov
    Tailor and twin brother of Harwin. Specializes in winter clothes.
  • Indus Kolyanovich
    Burgomaster of the Village of Barovia Father of Ismark and adopted Ireena
  • Ireena Kolyana
    Adoptive daughter of Indus Kolyanovich, the village burgomaster Strahd has set her sights on her Ismark wishes to get her to a safer location
  • Ismark Kolyanovich
    Son of Barovia's Burgomaster, Indus Kolyanovich Protective of Ireena Kolyana, his adopted sister
  • Josephine Tanner
    Former adventurer who failed to kill Strahd, lost all hope and now just tries to survive.
  • Kiril Stoyanovich
    The new pack leader of the Night's Children He directly serves Strahd
  • Leaf Lipsiege
    The eternal accountant of Strahd von Zarovich. Even death has not allowed him to cease his work.
  • Father Lucian Petrovich
    Priest of St. Andral's church and older brother of the baroness.
  • Ludmilla Vilisevic
    Ludmilla is the eldest of Strahd’s current consorts. In life, she drew her attention and with her keen mind. Ludmilla reminded Strahd more than a bit of herself, which is what drew Strahd to take her as a consort.
  • Luvash Zarovan
    Vistana of the Manusa tasque Brother of Arrigal Father of Arabelle
  • Commissioner Marcy Mustard
    Commissioner of New Zaro's inspectors. She has information on all the capitals guards and inspectors.
  • Mary Magdalene
    Mother of Gertruda Locked her daughter in her bedroom for all 26 years of her life Owner of Lancelot, a large white dog
  • Milivoj
    Orphan and caretaker of Saint Andral's Orphanage and groundskeeper of the church Stole the bones of Saint Andral
  • Morgan Moon
    Bakes and sells dream pastries with her daughters, Ophelia and Bella
  • Muriel Vinshaw
    Young Bartender and owner of the Raven's Wing Tavern Distant cousin of the Martikov family
  • Ophalia Moon
    Daughter of Morgan Moon Sister of Bella Helps her mother bake dream pastries at the mill
  • Parpol Cantemir
    Nephew of Bildrath Cantemir Serves as his abusive uncle's muscle at the mercantile
  • Father Petre Donavich
    Priest of the Morning Lord Father of Doru, who died the previous year
  • Rahadin von Zarovich
    Before Strahd, Rahadin served the Zarovich patriarch, King Barov, with exceptional loyalty. In return, Barov re- warded the dark elf with the surname Von Zarovich, a tremendous honor for the servant. His flawless fealty passed from father to daughter and Rahadin serves his mistress well.
  • Ratka Bogarov
    Vistana of the Boem tasque Son of Stanimir and brother of Damia
  • Regina Acer
    Former adventurer who failed to kill Strahd. Now runs a Fletchery in Vallaki named the Straight Arrow.
  • Rictavio
    A half elf carnival ringmaster who found himself trapped in Barovia. He sadly had to sell off his monkey in order to stay at the Blue Water Inn.
  • Silvia Darovich
    Wolf Hunter from the village of Barovia Whenever she is not hunting, she is drinking, either at the Raven's wing, or at the Blue Water Inn Recently killed a werewolf child near Lake Baratok The only things she cares about are her friends, Muriel and Yevgeni, her dogs, Hunter and Buck, and Wine
  • Stanimir Bogarov
    Vistana of the Boem tasque Mage and father of Ratka and Damia
  • The Abbot
    Priest of the Morning Lord Been in Barovia longer than anyone can remember They/them
  • Valentin Pascu
    Barovian Scout who often serves as Ismark's protection during travels and provides some protection to the village. After his parents deaths he looks after his younger sister Anamaria
  • Vanisa von Holtz
    An accountant that works for Lief Lipsiege. She regularly has to face the perils of going from town to town to collect taxes. She has had multiple near death encounters on the road where she barely eascaped with her life.
  • Baron Vargas Vallakovich
    Incompetent Burgomaster of Vallaki. Hosts festival after festival to increase morale. "All will be well!" Husband of Lydia and father of Victor.
  • Volenta Popofsky
    Raised as an orphan, and having grown up on the streets of the Village of Barovia, Volenta is the second youngest of Strahd’s consorts. She is skilled at hiding in the shadows and setting traps for others. This, com- bined with her ruthless nature makes her useful in dealing with intruders to the castle; traits that Strahd finds entertaining enough to keep her around for a few more centuries.
  • William Dysewn
    Young adventurer who died to the death house Strahd turned him into a vampire spawn to toy with the heroes
  • Yevgeni Krushkin
    Wolf Hunter from the town of Vallaki. Cares only for drinking, hunting and making money. While he doesn't care much for Karl Wachter, he puts up with him since Karl pays for wine.
  • Zuleika Toranescu
    Member of the night's children and wife of Emil

This story is told by

The Protagonists

Miodi (Melody)

Eryne Mystralath

Eryne Mystralath
