Episode 39: Attack on the Blackjack Report

General Summary

The gang assembles on the Blackjack except for Elenwe who hasn't reported back to the crew in weeks.

In the main state room, House Silversång is together. Mariel, Nia, Erik, Gerda, and Aina. The statue that is Sigrid is in the forward hold. Mariel says that Nels has asked for the whole family to be present for the death anniversary of Papa Nikolaus. Nia is like 'for what?'

Then teleporting sounds are heard on the top deck. The officers rush up to see two beholders who zap some eyebeams to knock Thunderfox off the deck. Nia and Lance then subdue them, learn their name is Me-me. They convince Me-me to murder the other beholder, Me-me-me. They find out the beholders are yet another distraction.

The crew goes back down to the hold and discover that the door to Sigrid's hold is missing, and a vamp guy, a werewolf widow, a deformed rabbit, and a half-elf holding the Moonblade of Heskiloth are staring at the wall saying something about bad schematics.

Lance took the trip down the stairs to make himself and Nia invisible so Spark is left to threaten them. Spark is like, "Parties over, get out, you're done, it's over.". Young Link Heskiloth screams something about his father abandoning him and how he needs to find his father. The crew realizes he is speaking of El and tries to call him down to wait to be reunited. Alas, a fight breaks out.

Nia puts down some magic madness on the werewolf and has Tiik put a magic circle to protect her family in the next room. The vamp guy wails on Spark to mild success and his weapon tries a ton of mind-fuckery, but luck leaves Spark with nothing more than fear. The werewolf lady loses control and attacks Link to mild success, Link attacks Spark and scratches his armor. Spark knocks the Vamp dude clear down the hall with the comet staff, and Nels sings a riff so rad it blows his mind.

Lance and Nia unleash a volley of magical rays which culminate in Lance vaporizing the deformed rabbit. At this moment a hobgoblin appears out of nowhere and removes Lance's invisibility, finds the door to the rear hold and moves in next to Sigrid. Behind the door is Paz. Paz in a mild panic casts Tasha's Laughter on the hobgoblin and Link, the two fall to the ground laughing. Seeing most of the intruders incapacitated. Nia traps the werewolf in her own mind taking her out of the fight as well. Lance doubles the lockdown on the hobgoblin and begins to restrain Link.

Nels belts out, "I did not mean to blow your mind! but that shit happens to me ALL THE TIME!!!" thus blowing the vamp's mind once more. Spark finished him off, and the officers made prisoners of the invaders and disarmed them. Paz runs up to Lance and kisses him, "Oh, my betrothed I was so scared. Thanks for saving us!" Lance is betrothed to Paz! Spark is super hyped for his best friends and bachelor and bachelorette parties.

Among the captured, there seemed to be some possible mind control shenanigans going on. Oh, also, Erik Silversang saw his brother Nels and was like, "My brother is such a huge rock star now. He's been catching tail from Dis to Yggdrasil. I want to go on tour with him, and I'm a man now, so you can't stop me." Nels was like, "More importantly than that, we can restore Jenny by getting her an avatar. She just needs her warlock to live." He points out Link. "And we need to do this ritual like right now! We just need a living person to put her in."

The Blackjack Heritage

Of the Forge the Spark

8 / 8 HP
Report Date
15 Apr 2023

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