Dreamworld D&D 5e Campaign

A Dungeons & Dragons 5e game In the world of Dreamworld
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  • Calida Cities and Roads
    Every year, the Cartographers' Guild puts out a yellowpages-style map of the roads and cities on the continent. The purple roads are less likely to be traversable by cart, and the black ones are (at time of printing) wide enough for a cart to pass.
Supporting Cast
  • Adamon
    Cleric, Prophet of Aki, SDB affiliate
  • Princess Anastasia Crane
    Singer at Club Mahogany, Princess but salty about it
  • Andre Falbrook
    DEAD Lord who tried to challenge the King's authority
  • Anika
    one of Ulenor's huntmasters
  • Lady Arabella Grimstone
    Formerly into Politics, dwarf
  • Ardo
    "The adult of the group" in the Banners of Eterna, a Wizardin multiclass (Oath of the Watchers), gossipgirl type voice
  • Avie
    Mercenary Rogue
  • Azure Creighton
    Aasimar spaceship captain, part of the Golden Mystics, from Arkelya
  • Beans
    A Goblin with a crush on everybody.
  • Beatrice
    Artificer lady from Gastir
  • Beryl Copperfield
    Circle of Air, shiny armor
  • Pilot Bethor Tanwen
    Solana's Dad, mech pilot
  • Bher Gilrad
    Firbolg Sushi Chef with a Missing Brother, lives in Frouxville
  • Charmane
    Bard who chronicled the event at Yago Springs. Usually hangs out with Igar Cinine at the sturdy cabbage. Thinks Senri's hot
  • Claren
    Courier, Vornof Gilrad's (missing guy's) friend and coworker
  • Cordia Drake
    Sailor good at directing the functions of a ship
  • Corion
    Bodyguard, warforged
  • Crazed Darkhill Orc
    DEAD 2x over, Attacked the Elm Market, but then became Striga. Had a mysterious bite mark.
  • Cutthroat Merton
    One of Striga's old Crew
  • Davon
    DEAD Prophet from the Skytemple
  • Deryk
    Couriers Bouncer
  • Dominic Wood
    Darkweaver drow market boss
  • Dominic Seafarer
    Undead Archmage of Druimmor, Circle of Spirit
  • Lord Edon
    DEAD Lord of Balgard until Stalkerpocalypse
  • Ellis Pinkerton
    Someone waiting on a dice delivery, one of Striga's old crew
  • Headmistress Evan Everston
    DEAD SDB headmistress
  • Evart
    barkeep in Three Rivers
  • Lord Fane Moonfall
    handsome Lord from the House of Lords, likes mint tea, wears fancy shoes
  • Fenrick
    Captured Huntmaster [br] [url:https://ddb.ac/characters/49296610/coaPHL]https://ddb.ac/characters/49296610/coaPHL[/url]
  • Fiera
    Mercenary Sorceress
  • Galbeck
    Barkeep at the Dagger Flagon, great at keeping secrets and minding their own business
  • Gali
    head of the Circle of Water in Druimmor
  • Garrett
    OG local leader in Onioport @[Order of Ghostslayers or OG](organization:47933ed5-455d-41d5-8df9-f7b361978358)
  • Garth
    Half orc dude with semi-undead disease
  • Gennieros of Eldamar
    Ruler of [Eldamar, but got stuck in the elevator dimension
  • Gilliam Wates
    Circle of Metal, Artificer, Guy who invented memory chips
  • Grez
    Circle of Metal guy
  • Halroth
    OG hunter in Shalerock. Sent along with the mechs in the 'grand plan'
  • Hector
    One of Ulenor's Huntmasters
  • Igar Cinine
    Kinda a squire type of dude who came with the High Circle knights to Yago Springs. Hangs out at the Sturdy Cabbage with Charmane.
  • Ingeltrude
    Couriers Boss
  • Itirae
    Lady from in the illithid ship
  • Janet
    one of Ulenor's Huntmasters
  • Jasper Garrush
    narrates in 3rd person, detective, newfound fear of horses
  • Jatai Blazegrove
    Horse Archer Build OP
  • Jerrick
    Trickery domain cleric, sarcastic jokester but generally a good sport, Kinda a Klover, rough but silly voice, one of the Banners of Eterna
  • Joredir
    Car Guy & Engineer.  From another plane called Hammerheart. Member of the @[Blacklight Defenders](organization:9e44cf6c-b721-4cdc-9f61-d3d4c87ea91b)
  • Lord Larc Lestat
    drow House of Lords member
  • King Leon Crane
    The King ofc
  • Londra
    Peace cleric, likes to unnerve people in whatever way possible, has a slightly airy-creepy voice and is like "you're my friend aren't you?" Banners of Eterna
  • Lumis
    Circle of Spirit Knight
  • Lyndey Blazegrove
    Lady of Picchester
  • Malum the Scarred
    DEAD Guy from another world, leader of the Blacklight Defenders @[Blacklight Defenders](organization:9e44cf6c-b721-4cdc-9f61-d3d4c87ea91b)
  • Matthew McDuff
    Inventors guild member from Balgard
  • Milo
    Bladesinger wizard, the dad of the Banners of Eterna, quiet and says very little, somber/serious voice
  • Mordak of Eldamar
    Current crazy lady of [Eldamar
  • Nova Buttercup
    circle of Earth, satyr
  • Orok
    DEAD water genasi monk, planar traveler
  • Ostrex
    worked for the Golden Mystic lady, now laying low in Three Rivers
  • Raven
    Helpful Ranger
  • Raxios
    Works for Axios, got killed in Yaddo Zubaz's casino
  • Raxzar
    Mist dragon incel
  • Rohysia
    Courier, Vornof Gilrad's (missing guy's) coworker
  • Commander Sasha Evergreen
    Mechbase Commander
  • Scytheron
    DEAD Really just a dick
  • Seth Blazegrove
    UwU hi Solana
  • Sharal
    Blacklight Defender, Alchemist, former criminal type.
  • Simon Hughes
    friends with Senri but she can't remember his name.
  • Sonya
    Wizard friend, knows Adamon
  • the Bear of Blisby
    one of the High Circle
  • the Blue Knight
    one of the High Circle
  • the Gilded Lioness
    part of the High Circle
  • the Rose Knight
    one of the High Circle
  • the Winged Ruby
    one of the High Circle
  • Torenurra
    Zealot Barbarian that just won't die, Jolly typical dwarf voice, a good sport and wants to encourage people to do their best. Banners of Eterna
  • Tricia Moonfall
    Metal Hand, Artificer from Inventors' Guild, robotics expert
  • Ulenor
    DEAD BBEG mad he can't go home
  • Ursula, the Zombie Queen
    Wanted Aki's antenna, works with Benedict, knows about the Golden Mystics
  • Viosi
    Rival Valor Bard, Paladin multiclass. Kinda oddly insecure and easily embarrassed, when she's not performing that is. Banners of Eterna
  • Wilfred Williams
    SDB headmaster
  • Willard
    Priest guy in three rivers
  • Wimrynn
    OG magic/research expert from Shalerock. Sent with the SDB folks in the 'grand plan'
  • Wylandriah Steele
    Thiol's mentor, smart wizard, a bit of engineering background
  • Yaddo Zubaz
    genie who owned a casino, but Thiol disintegrated him
  • Zekial
    Greninja-looking-dude, from Dragon Island, knew Menti as a kid, works for Brain (kinda)
  • Zeno Noberos
    Necromancer assassin, edgy gal, friend of Dominic Wood
  • Zulgien
    Warladin multiclass - used to serve some bad entity and do some bad things, but now is trying to redeem himself as a paladin and has a lot of guilt over that (Wei gave him therapy). Banners of Eterna.

Scheduled Sessions

Tue 8th March 2022 23:00


This story is told by

The Protagonists

Thiol Alkene