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Etharis Campaign

A Dungeons & Dragons 5e game In the world of Etharis
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Supporting Cast
  • Bruk
    Scared, experienced, and testy retired orc mercenary who has continued to work even into his retirement. One of the oldest living people within the capital of Hrist he enjoys his time as a innkeeper but does not shy away from conflict wielding his favorite greatsword to threaten or kill any threat that walks into the inn.
  • Helen Glittergold
    Proper, shy, and excitable woman who runs the library within Hrist and has for a few years, she was around when the murders started and became fascinated with the history of the capital and formed the library when it was a simple extension onto her home.
  • Brother Kale
    Handsome, reasonable, and fanatical believer in the Inquisitors mission to rid the world of mages who use their gifts for their own gain. Those who stand up to the will of the Inquisitors will have to face either him or his brother and none resist their will and live.
  • Brother Nymor
    Angry, violent, and narcissistic Nymor spend most of his time training to take down those who hide behind the use of magic, he feels that all who are born with magic are destined to become monsters and the world will be better off without them.

Scheduled Sessions

Sat 10th December 2022 22:00

Chapter 12: The Southern Struggle

Mon 5th December 2022 15:00

Chapter 11: Introduction to Morcien Politics

The players have begun to delve into the politics of the city, coming into contact with the worst of the worst who openly attack those who stand against them and the manipulative ones that will manipulate things from the shadows to their advantage. With the powerful beings beginning to gather around soon the players will be forced to choose who to support and who to destroy while the power hungry fight for control over the southern city all unaware that the struggle encompases more than just the city they are in, the battle being fought in the background is for the very world itself.

Sat 19th November 2022 22:00

Chapter 10: The Battle for Morecia

The players have witnessed the declaration of attack from the memori lich as his forces assault the walls of Morecia. The inquisitors have arrived and given the city time to react to the sudden attack but without aid they will die out and only add to the undead army that assaults the city. Will the players be able to turn the tide of the battle or will they be lost along with many of the souls along and outside the walls.

Sat 12th November 2022 18:00

Chapter 9: Southern Noble Election part 3

The players have begun to delve into the politics of the southern nobles however they are about to find out that some are willing to go to extreme lengths to ensure their vision for the world comes true. Will the players be able to save the innocent lives of those within the city from the nobility's power grab or will they too be forced to watch as the elite destroy the world for their own vanity.

Sat 5th November 2022 15:00

Chapter 8: The Southern Nobles Part 2

The players have been within the city for a few days now, venturing around and learning about each of the nobles that are in play during the election. The players have also begun to discover that there are different factions also at play during these elections with all of them out for their own gains without care or concern about the lives of the innocent that are taken or affected by their plots and schemes.

Sat 22nd October 2022 16:00

Chapter 7: The Southern Nobles Part 1

The players have been introduced to the delicate political situation within Morecia, some of the players have been told that they have to influence the election without bloodshed while some are going to be given a mission to kill particular nobles that have a stock in the election. Will the players be able to keep their heads above water and not fall victim to the games of the nobles or will they be drowned in the politics of Morecia not able to do anything but stay alive.

Sat 1st October 2022 3:00

Chapter 6: The Southern Nobles Prologue

The players have made it to the southern island city of Morecia where the nobles of the south play a very dangerous game of politics with one another. Will the players be able to survive the nobles playing their games or will the politics of the south get the players to an early grave.

Sat 24th September 2022 16:00

Chapter 5: The Vengeance of the Toymaker

The players have been in the frozen north for almost a full month before those who are hunting the players have begun to figure out where they are, the players have been pulled to the southern lands by Helen who claims to need the help of their group plus two strangers, Helen knows what the groups face down south and does not want to let them know what kind of people they will be forced to deal with until they are more than halfway there. Will the players be able to complete the venture down south before those chasing them catch on to their plan, or will those hunting them catch up with them before they reach the relative safety of the southern city of Morecia?

Sat 3rd September 2022 15:00

Chapter 4:Puck's Wood part 3; The Sacred Pond

The players have worked hard to get to the center of the forest and now with their only obstacle being Puck himself they can see the end of their mission and finally return to Hrist. Long ago the fey queen of the area was fighting a war that she knew that she could not win with the pond in the control of a demonic cult, in order to not loose the fight she called together the lords and ladies of her court and sacrificed herself along with three others to seal the pond, with it sealed none would be able to use the ponds original healing properties or risk releasing the demonic form within so Puck was meant to guard it which corrupted his purpose after years and years. Will the players realize that what they are doing will rid themselves of an evil while at the same time releasing another greater evil, or will they decide that a plague will be less destructive than a devil roaming the land.   Also included the session on 9/10/22

Sat 27th August 2022 14:00

Chapter 4: Puck's Wood part 2

The players have continued their journey through Puck's Wood, with their strength tested the party could not stand against the continued onslaught of undead coming from the slain from the battle in Puck's Wood. Will the players be able to find a safe hiding place to recover and continue trying to get to Puck so that they can escape or will this wood beat them down until the cannot get back up again.

Sat 20th August 2022 4:00

Chapter 4: Puck's Wood

The players have been given a job to venture into the Frostwood and find the sacred pond in the center of the forest, fighting their way through the brutal entrance to the forest they found themselves lost in the Puck's magic and apparently after meeting a werewolf named Osvald they were told that they were stuck in the feywild. Will the players be able to find their way out of the mischievous fey forest or will they be eternally lost in the fairy tales never told to children.

Sat 13th August 2022 16:00

Chapter 3: The plague knights

The players have managed to free Kurnos from the orb that he imprisoned himself in to protect what little of the innocent remained within the city despite the wrongs that were committed against him. The players will have to make a choice to either try and convince him not to take revenge but should they do that then he will want all his magical devices destroyed and to leave to prevent history from repeating itself. Will the players be able to convince the mage to keep some of his magical defenses in place for the innocents of the city or will the wrongs of the past make future tragedies possible as those with more insidious agendas able to kill the innocents of the city?

Sat 23rd July 2022 16:00

Chapter 2: The Orb

The players have stumbled onto the orb used by Kurnos to keep monsters away from Hrist, those who know the stories about this mage and his creations know that he was a mage who was trusted once with the safety of the city before it was discovered that he was experimenting with necromantic magic and the inquisitors attacked his tower. Will the players be able to match against this old mage or will his magics claim more lives than in years past including the players.

Sun 17th July 2022 16:00

Welcome to Etharis

The adventures held within this land are focused around monsters and horror, those who are born typically live short brutal lives before they are killed by something worse than their darkest nightmares, can hero's be made out of these unlikely circumstances or will the dark powers of this dark land get the better of them?

This story is told by