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A Grand Adventure

A Dungeons & Dragons 5e game In the world of the Scattered Isles
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  • Draymenn's Atoll
    One of many island chains.  It is part of a set of five islands, under the rulership of a self-styled Imperial Court.
Supporting Cast
  • "Rosh"
    Dire Wolf lieutenant to Dugnylsi Viemysx the Far Gazer Speaks common. Clearly cunning and smart.
  • Anorel Glovelyn (Morrshal)
    They are a female human; very short (-15%) and slightly husky (+8%). They are brown-eyed, with their dark hair kept short and loose. Charismatic and pretty; always well dressed. Head server at Hissing Falcon,
  • Banneth Lothston
    "Leader" of the Thorpe "Militia"; ex-Bandit spared by the party, along with his gang.
  • Senior Shaft Boss Blakeson Oroeshogun
    They are a male human; average height (-1%) and slightly husky (+8%). They are blue-eyed, with their dark hair kept short and loose.
  • Catlina Thaller
    Thorpe Reeve / Sherrif Level 3 Fighter, Archery Specialist, Crossbow of Wounding +2. Stern, fair, loyal, good-hearted.
  • Shepherd Chrestan Linster
    Runs the orphanage in Staghaven They are a male human; average height (1%) and slightly angular (-9%). They are green-eyed, with their dark hair kept in short curls.
  • Cliara Hawthorn
    the Head-server of the Braying Rooster. They are a female human; average height (2%) and lean (-9%). They are hazel-eyed, with their dark hair kept in a short mohawk.
  • Captain of the Guard Curtass Falcin
    Male dwarf; average height (2%) and slightly angular (-4%). They are brown-eyed, with their brown hair kept in short curls.
  • Dugnylsi Viemysx the Far Gazer
    Goblin Shaman Leader of the Shattered Hand Clan
  • Eddard Staunton
    Owner of the Braying Rooster They are a male half-elf; short-ish (-7%) and stout (+14%). They are brown-eyed, with their dark hair kept shaved clean.
  • Gravven Serrett
    two years older than the Party; 3rd in-line to be Jeweler's Guild Master Stern chin, thin mustache, sharp eyes and fingers, recently tan skin, "page boy" dirty blonde hair, modest build, brick-fists. Enjoys outdoors, has been adventuring with the PCs
  • Jorvanora, "Traveller of Fire"
    Monk; male human; tall-ish (+8%) and medium build (1%). They are blue-eyed, with their blonde hair kept in a few short braids. They have a small tattoo on their right cheek of a barbed arrowhead
  • Woodswarden Kaylessa Olacyne
    They are a female wood elf; tall-ish (+2%) and slightly angular (-7%). They are blue-eyed, with their dark hair kept in short curls. Local Druid in the area of the Lost Elk Wayhouse
  • Kuludylth Scalesgrace
    Red Dragon said to be responsible for enslaving the "Red Fist Firelands". "I now own these lands and all within them. Serve me. Profit, or burn."
  • Lady Luciya Carring
    Noble usually accompanied by 3 guards. They are a female human in her mid-30s; average height (-1%) and medium build (0%). They are hazel-eyed, with their blonde hair kept in a trio of long braids.
  • Lady Marinah Vass
    female human; tall (+13%) and slightly husky (+7%). They are green-eyed, with their dark hair kept in a trio of long braids. Older, statuesque woman whose very demeanor and presence commands respect. Old "acquaintance" of Melvin Harner.
  • Milita Guy2
    One of four ex-Bandits working for Banneth Lothston
  • Militia Guy4
    One of four ex-Bandits working for Banneth Lothston
  • Militia Guy1
    One of four ex-Bandits working for Banneth Lothston
  • Militia Guy3
    One of four ex-Bandits working for Banneth Lothston
  • Natari Elesham
    "Baron(ess)" of the South East (5'8", blue eyes, hour-glass figure, long blonde hair) + "Slightly pretty, severe countenance"
  • Robart Bandersall
    Assistant Guild Master, Miners They are a male human; average height (0%) and slightly husky (+6%). They are green-eyed, with their dark hair kept in a few short braids.
  • Saede Harner
    Hedge-Witch & Potion Maker of the Thorpe. + female elf; tall-ish (+2%) and slightly angular (-7%). + They are amber-eyed, with their blonde hair kept in a long ponytail.
  • "Student of the Rain" Sarohkar
    Monk, male dwarf; very tall (+18%) and slightly husky (+8%). They are brown-eyed, with their dark hair kept in a short ponytail

Sessions Archive

13th Dec 2020

World According To Brask - Session 10

The battle with the Dreadlord Brask and his advisor, the Succubus Clarrisa, rages in the ancient Dwarven Great Hall. Transformed from a place of community and joy to one of horrors and evil, the heroes face grim odds.

29th Nov 2020

World According To Brask - Session 9

"This only ends one of two ways ... join me, and save the world, or leave and go back to your little village and await the inevitable" -- Brask

16th Nov 2020

World According To Brask - Session 8

Tired and battered, with new spoils of battle, the heroes consider their options. To make matters more dire, more cultists arrive, screaming for blood.

8th Nov 2020

World According To Brask - Session 7

A pitched battle for a chest with the very water around it has left the heroes battered and bruised, even as more Cultists spill into the room to battle them.

1st Nov 2020

World According To Brask - Session 6

The Heroes have forced the retreat of a devil-spawn and his faithful hound-scorpion. Now, stairs lead into the dungeon below, and the great hall above. The decision will be fateful

25th Oct 2020

World According To Brask - Session 5

The back gate is secured, and some "innocent exploration" results in a battle with Undead Ogres, Wraith and Zombies. "The story leads this way" So what lays beyond?

11th Oct 2020

World According To Brask - Session 4

The battle at the back gate rages on, and threatens to spiral out of control

4th Oct 2020

World According To Brask - Session 3

The attack on Brask's Castle has begun. The heros have the enemy castle right where they want it!

21st Sep 2020

World According To Brask - Session 2

The group have scouted the Cultist Recruiting Station and have determined that it's an unwelcome diversion. They've found Brask's fortress; the map is wrong, but the place is right. It's time to think hard about how to crack this tough nut.

30th Aug 2020

Raengyreon Mines - Session 11

Master Miner Sam Froshner has been saved, and the Heroes are victorious. However, troubling news comes with the victory, leaving the Heroes to consider their next actions carefully.

26th Jul 2020

Raengyreon Mines - Session 9

Malignant traps and undead ambushes block progress for the party

19th Jul 2020

Raengyreon Mines - Session 8

Ever on and deeper, more perilous the travels go

12th Jul 2020

Raengyreon Mines - Session 7

Deep in the Mines, with time dwindling, and ever more dangerous and vile foes

5th Jul 2020

Back to the Future - The Staghaven Trip, Part 2

(player missing, so time-skip ahead to a "downtime" visit to Staghaven)

28th Jun 2020

Raengyreon Mines - Session 6

The Heroes have battled their way to the head of the Pit Shaft leading ever deeper down into the Mine. Progress, however, is hampered by a crush of zombies

22nd Jun 2020

Raengyreon Mines - Session 5

The exploration of the mines continues downwards

Read the Report
14th Jun 2020

Raengyreon Mines - Session 4

The Cultists have been thwarted. However, Sam Frosher, the Master Miner, is still missing. The search continues, deeper into the mine

7th Jun 2020

Raengyreon Mines - Session 3

Cultists are summoning demons in the upper areas of the mine. The heroes are determined to stop them.

31st May 2020

Raengyreon Mines - Session 2

Something very wrong is going on in the Thorpe's famous mines. The party needs to find out what, and fast.

This story is told by

The Protagonists

Aleksander Harner

Level 5 Half-Elf NG Sorcerer
(Guild Artisan / Guild Merchant)
/ 22 HP


Terrick Martell

Level 5 Human LG Fighter
(Guild Artisan)
/ 50 HP