A Grudge of Vampires

A Dungeons & Dragons 5e game In the world of Athis
2/14/22 | Looking for Players
Supporting Cast
  • Gintree Von Carmot
    Gintree is a governor over much of the western territory, after taking the legacy of a politician from his father, Gintree has been struggling to keep the people at peace.
Each of you received a letter from Gintree Von Carmot , the letter detailed:   "To whom it may concern, I, Gintree Von Carmot have requested your presence for a mission. I have requested this letter to be sent to only the most notable, respectable, and powerful people in this country; you my friend have been lucky enough to receive it. What we request of you is that of new problems we have found in New Orleans, the town has been overrun by some sort of zombie-vampire-like presence- we aren't sure. Though we know that whoever is controlling this catastrophe is not to be taken lightly. We... I humbly request you take care of him. Our full resources are at your disposal, including the treasury, the militia, and the public figure.   Should you accomplish this task, you will be rewarded with the ownership of a state under your name and all the riches and wealth to go with it.   I humbly hope that you accept, Gintree Von Carmot

This story is told by

The Protagonists

ZaWarudo Yuji

chaotic good triton (haunted one)
Cleric 15
Paladin 5
224 / 224 HP