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Cyberpunk 2078: The Rising Sons_

A Cyberpunk RED game In the world of Night City - 2078
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Supporting Cast
  • Alice Glass
    A corporate covert operative, working a cover job as a personal agent for "Kerry Terry & Associates".
  • Mei Fing
    Small Fixer based in Arroyo with ties to big biz in Night City. Very picky on her choice of jobs, but has garnered a massive success over the past two years.
The world had been shaken since the assassination of corporate patriarch, Saburo Arasaka. His son, Yorinobu, was successful in taking control of Arasaka through a military coup; the corporation was now under control of the Taka Faction. During this time, however, an assault was conducted on Arasaka Tower in Night City. The assault led to the complete destruction of Mikoshi; through this the Relic project folded as the corporation reported major losses in the funding of the project. Yorinobu returned to Arasaka Tower in Tokyo, as Hanako Arasaka made a statement that she was stepping back from the public eye, taking time to grieve the loss of her father. Much political power was lost as the Arasaka Corporation lost major assets as they tried to reorganize after the coup. While the Arasaka Corporation's future had remained unclear, Militech had already begun work to disrupt Arasaka’s foothold within the west coast of America. As tensions grew, many feared that another war between the corporate titans was just along the horizon.   Now 2078, a year after The Arasaka Incident, Night City’s power dynamic goes through a shift. Specifically down in the Pacifica district. The Voodoo Boys' hold on the area has diminished, causing the gangs in the Combat Zone to cross the walls and expand. A new group originating from within Pacifica has surfaced and snowballed to power. They are an anti-corporation terrorist cell wanting to rid Night City’s plague of megacorporation and it consequences. The organization brought somewhat of an order to the chaos within the zone which the NCPD themselves could not contain. Still, the streets see constant barrages of lead everyday with the exception of the Grand Imperial Mall being a new neutral cease-fire zone within Pacifica. New Mayor-elect Jefferson Peralez has declared Pacifica its own autonomous region, deeming it too dangerous for NCPD to dedicate forces into the area, further distancing Night City from its former district. People believe the moment of peace is soon coming to an end, dreading to repeat the Days of the Red. A fixer by the name of Able has been slowly gathering up a team of hand-picked, skilled individuals to tip the scales for the future of Night City.

This story is told by

The Protagonists

Kane Kshatriya

Kane Kshatriya alias , a Solo with Combat Awareness rank 4

Esq. Jerry McKinley

Jerry McKinley alias "Kerry Terry", a Executive with Teamwork rank 6

Samuel "pak" Rhee

Samuel "pak" Rhee alias Sam / pak, a Netrunner with Interface rank 7

Taekomsta Prinn

Taekomsta Prinn alias Tae, a Fixer with Operator rank 5

Jeremiah Kingsley

Jeremiah Kingsley alias Kingslayer, a Media with Credibility rank 4