Session 36 CSS Shenanigan's: The Jump space experience. Report
General Summary
As the CSS Shenanigan's jumps into jumps space the jump drive makes a loud noise goes out and catches on fire. The fire quickly spreads to the M-drive as well and it catches on fire as well. Morpheus quickly shuts down power systems, computers and ventilations systems so that the smoke did not get into the passengers area. He also locked down the passenger area. Vlad and Uz khoun working together manage to get the fire out before more extensive damage was done. Further investigations showed that the ship will need a new jump drive and the M-drive is badly damaged and will need to be repaired or replaced. Uz- Khoun and Commodore Denniston will need to work that out. The week in Jump space the crew and passengers were experiencing unusual phenomes seeing face out side of the space ship. Some crew members could here and feel the heart beat of the ship and the pain it was going through from the malfunctioning Jump drive and M-drive. Some crew members experienced a murder that was possibly committed on the Shenanigans years prior to this current crew. The cargo door mysteriously started to open. Passengers complained of seeing faces looking in at them from the void. Jean Paul suffering depression after losing all of his money for Allegedly Cheating experiencing the murder as well was on the fringe of a nervous break down was sedated by Dr. Cannon. The crew and passengers have dealt with the side effects of the miss jump the whole week that they are in the bubble. As you enter in to the Blue system all Side effects of the miss jump goes away. The M-Drive only has the ability of one thrust instead to the normal 4 thrust that you are used to. Passengers immediately start messaging the commodore wanting to know the ETA to Bulhai free port.