Session 0 Report

General Summary

Session 0



Attendees: Amber, Cam, James, Kib, Vikki, Banks    

Out of game

  • See #house-rules
  • Players can whisper Banks if they want to add new rules
  • Nothing in the works but can be brought up as a topic again if needed.
  • Nothing in the works but can be brought up as a topic again if needed.
  • If a player wants to use cam but doesn't want to be the first one to do it, send a DM to Banks and he'll get a cam to start it off.
  • During session and overall
  • 5 minute break after the first and third hour
  • 15-20 minute break after half the time (2 hours)
  • Special DM breaks
  • To prep/worldbuild
  PHB 2024  
  • Implement or not?
  •   Personal question as warmup
  • One for player, one for character (can be the same or different)
  • Every week a new person asks the questions
  • Banks starts it off next session and then it's Amber -> James -> Kib -> Vikki -> Cam and we keep circling around

    In game

    • See #dnd-rules
    Rolling hp on levelup Roll20
    • Movement on map: Okay to move but if DM says stop, you drop your character in that spot
    • Rolling from dndbeyond is okay, character sheets are/will be transferred to roll20 for DMs discretion
    Rolling dice
    • Allowed
    • Banks will post the different documents he has
    • We either choose one of them (or the ones from the regular rulebooks) and stick to it
    Plans & goals
    • Players will send their plans and goals for their characters to DM for future planning
    History/setting changes
    • The pantheon is Greek/Norse
    • Lolth's 'role' has been taken over by Athena
    • Spiders don't exist in the world anymore
    • Magic zones are a thing
    • More to come
    • DM gives inspiration
    • Possible alternative rule: Players can share their inspirations with each other.
    • DM will make a decision before Session 1

    Eldeland Campaign
    Report Date
    28 Jul 2024

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