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Session 0 - How did we get here? Report

General Summary

Last session, you all found yourselves in a forest, on what looks like a road, surrounded by swirling mists that limited how far you could see. You all arrived here from various places, Aelar, Kronk, and Maxi scouting deep into a forest, Alvin by annoying a fey, Tyrfinas ... not knowing how he arrived.   Alvin heard Aelar, Maxi, and Kronk arguing and finds them. The velociraptor scouts, returning from behind them as the mist confused his senses. Tyrfinus hears them all and finds them, though he tries to remain hidden. He hides as a bush but Maxi sees through it. Tyrfinus offered to be a guide, having been in the feywild the longest, despite having lost most of his recent memories.   A group of eladrin, packed for travelling and leading two pack horses, appear from the mist. "More adventurers? Here, this will let you see." After some discussion and sharing of information, they paint a substance on each of your eyelids to allow you to see.   Told to search for Wilting Dancer flower and take it to Vanessa to help with Tyrfinas' memory

The Dark Feywild Dungeons & Dragons 5e Campaign
Report Date
23 Oct 2021
Primary Location
Brokenstone Vale

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