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Session 1: Finding Tyrfinus's Memory Report

General Summary

You begin in the same forest, the eladrin having moved on, trying to figure out where to find this flower (The Wilting Dancer) that may allow Tyrfinas to regain some of his memory.   You attempt to determine which direction to travel to leave the Vale, as Tyrfinas wants to get away from werewolves and all of the other strange creatures here. Most of them go the right way, except Tyrfinas, who was just 'testing' their sense of direction.   As you walk, you see many strange things, forever reminding you that this forest is not like any that you have walked on your home plane. A non-awakened treeant stares at you with blank eyes - Maxi's investigation shows that it hasn't awoken in a very long time. You all decide to let it rest. Druidic signs point you towards a creek, the symbols interpreted by Maxi to give a direction and indicate small, river, food, safe. Kronk walks over with rope, Ties it to one tree on the other side, walks back wtih the rope. Hears some laughing and rope comes loose. They question whether Kronk can tie good knots. Alvin uses mage hand to tie a knot. Aelar manages to make his way across, as does Tyrfinas. Alvin unties the knot on hte far side as Kronk runs to catch Aelar and Maxi. A nereid laughs and splashes Kronk. A tree druid suggests that Maxi and Aelar are quiet and move onwards.   Further druidic symbols lead you to a good dryad drove. Kronk walks in first, seeing a circle of stones, a beam of sunlight and some lightly falling leaves in the middle of the circle. Maxi notices an Azza Gremlin, then two more attack the group, defending their space. Kronk rushes a tree where one of the gremlins rests, swinging with an ax to knock it out of the tree, causing it to hover nearby. Tyrfinas casts Tasha's with a horrible pun and kills a Gremlin with it as it falls to the ground.   Alvin splats the second gremlin. Maxi moves in and creates magic stones to fight with, helping Alvin out.   The faerie creature yells in horror to see her friends slaughtered and shoots a slaver arrow at Kronk, confusing him. She then resists the frostbite of Tyrfinas, though she falls to his hypnotic patterns, allowing all to move in range. Tyrfinas asks "Why are you attacking us?". It says she is defending the dryad, who is making a grove. Kronk was waving his sword around at the lights as you all enter the circle. Kronk flexes. Aelar stands down and velocidrone steps out.   The creature is eventually convinced to introduce herself, calling herself Ari. She explains that entering a dryad's stone circle is an act of aggression and then apologises for attacking the party. Kronk is surprised to see the stone circle, having not noticed it before. Ari explains that a druid had a grove here once, days, minutes, centuries ago. The dryad is trying to make use of the existing magic to create a safe grove again. Ari also explains that the druid made symbols throughout the woods, showing places of interest.   As soon as she is no longer held, she turns invisible and leaves.

The Dark Feywild Dungeons & Dragons 5e Campaign
Report Date
13 Nov 2021
Primary Location
Brokenstone Vale

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