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Session 3: In the Orchard Report

General Summary

Tyrfinas and Alvin each cast tiny hut, forcing the party to choose whose hut to be in. Felan exclaims at the magic, having never seen its like. Kronk lies between the two and find himself unable to enter either. Tyrfinas and Alvin put on a magic show. Alvin's hypnotic pattern distracts Tyrfinas, causing him to miss some spells.   The party take watches overnight, seeing a fomorian pass and noticing in the morning that some items are missing. Tyrfinas wakes up sniffing the air, noticing that everything smells incredible. Alvin 'eats' a minor illusion of one of the cherry bombs, the fairies freaking out and then asking him all sorts of questions. Tyrfinas stops and smells all the flowers. Felan explains about the coming of age and Kronk shares that he beat five wooly mammoth and the elders and the party doesn't believe him.   The party moves onwards, heading once more towards shatterstone. Set of 5 jackalopes caught in a cage constructed from vines and twigs. As you approach they bleat, whimper, and snort, trying to get out. They investigate the cage, Tyrfinas discovering it would be easy to get them out. Alin doesn't find other traps. Kronk stays back, as does Maxi. The net falls and were ferrets run up, surrounding them. The first tries to steal Alvin's water skin, missing and then running away. He tries to cast Tasha's on it as it runs away. One of htem steals Aelar's waterskin. another tries to steal Alvin's wand. Wereferrets run up and steal things as they are caught by net. Tyrfinas casts Tasha's on the one caught by Xyia's spike growth and asks them to leave things. Kronk jumps intot he spike growth beside the prone ferret. Aelar shoots the ferret and velocidrone slashes a hole in hte net. The ferret drops the waterskin and tries to get away as Alvin uses mage hand to untie the knot and free himsel.f Xyia undoes spike growth. Tyrfinas suggests it tells him things, but it suggests that all lost things end up in Tortsbourough (Torberry). Kronk picks up the dropped waterskin and sets the were ferret down. Kronk lifts the net, allowing any of the trapped party to escape. The ferret invites them to the carnival at Torberry, then runs away. Xyia carves druidic into the tree about the danger and Alvin puts down common. They release the jackalopes and Aelar destroys the cage.   Enter an area where there is snow. Felan comments it isn't normal to have snow here, it is usually further away. From up in the air the player characters hear the cawing of mountain hawks, a small flock of which are circling an area. They circle the remains of a few dead mountain goats who look half frozen in the wind, icicles hanging from them. Felan slices a chunk off and starts gnawing on it.   Stumbling through the snow, the players find the mouth of a cave that promises shelter from the driving snow and biting winds. The wind whips around them, slicing into them and chilling them. Zebanafain warms up his clothing for an hour. Felan points out the cave. Alvin casts tiny hut and all gather around him. Tyrfinas uses his prestidigitation to make tea for everyone as they warm up. A Korred appears and dispels their hut, inviting them into the cave. He tells them that magic may attract other things. They all go inside the cave. Pours a bowl of peppermint tea for Velocidrone and hot chocolate and peppermint candy canes for the group.   The cave was used as a refuge by a previous group of explorers, the long-dead remnants of a camp are found here. Kor prepares some food as well, giving everyone the gourmand feature.

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