T-D Session 1 Report

General Summary

13th of Flamerule 1942 DR   A cultist camp nestled in a clearing at the base of a cliff. Our adventurers hiding in the bushes of the forest of Elturgard, watching them carefully. Five worshipers of Bane, dressed in simple black armour sit around a camp fire, making small talk about poor rations and even poorer game. The adventurers had split into two groups, encircling the camp. The southern group comprising of two paladins, Hellrider's from the city of Elturel, and the third is... Well its hard to describe Scott. He tagged along because he overheard these people talking about a girl he's looking for, he doesn't look like much, but looks can be deceiving. The two paladins are Princess, no last name, and Reya Mantlemorn. Princess is a towering 6'2 half-orc, deep green skin, dyed pink hair, tied back in a high ponytail. Reya by contrast is human, and little more than a girl, in her late teens, with dark skin and auburn hair. The second group to the north are the two elves. Erric is a wood elf, joined by his Eladrin elf (that's fey elf to you and I) companion Haelee.   The scouting was going fine, until Erric crept closer to try and extract some paperwork from a desk at the camp. The twig snapped underfoot, and the entire camp alerted "Who the fuck is out there?" is yelled from one of the cultists. "Who the fuck goes there?" yelled back Erric, as he turns on his heel and sprinted away into the woods, hoping to draw the cultists away from the camp. His plan worked, and the five cultists made chase. Unfortunately, Reya and Princess didn't get the memo, and chased after the the cultists chasing Erric.   The fight was inevitable. It was brutal. Here is how it went. Erric managed to hit one of the foes with an arrow as he fled back into the woods. Seeing two more individuals spring out of the woods, and charge them, versus the fleet of foot elf who they cannot catch... the cultists turns to engage. Scott leapt out from his bush and joined the melee. Haelee kept her distance and began to launch conjured fire at them. Reya found herself surrounded, with three cultists wailing on her. Blows from our heroes kept missing and falling short, and the tide started to turn against them. A wounded cultist disengaged from Reya and chased down Erric, the archer not expecting this, suddenly found himself in melee. This gravely wounded cultist, fear suddenly in his eyes stumbled before the elf. Erric knowing that he could easily finish him, couldn't bring himself to do so. The cultist took advantage in this moment of weakness, and struck Erric heavily with his mace. Meanwhile, vengeance and rage begin to swell within Princess as she saw her companion Reya, getting thrashed. In a moment that could only be described as divine intervention, she struck the leader of the camp with a critical hit. A single blow causing more damage than he had maximum health, cleaving him from his shoulder down through his spine. The tables suddenly turned, and the remaining cultists began to fall, Haelee, seeing Erric getting pummelled for his empathy, slayed the cultist with a ball of fire. The last man standing started to flee into the forest. Scott, moving with unnatural speed closed the distance, struck him once with a punch, before a spinning kick critically hit him, and knocked him unconscious.   Reya went about tying the cultist to a tree whilst Haelee and Princess began searching the camp. Princess started looting the bodies, recovering 20 odd gold and silver, meanwhile Haelee looked over the table of paperwork. There she found three letters, passing them to Princess to read as her common is not the best.   The three letters provide an insight into the cultists and their activities. The cultists worship Bane, the evil aligned god of tyranny and domination. Their operations seem to stem from the neighbouring city of Baldur's Gate. The leader Yignath, based out of the Frolicking Nymph in Baldur's Gate has been providing this camp with supplies. That was until recently, it would seem supplies of late have stopped. This camp is not the only cultist stronghold in Elturel. A second appears to be active in Elturel proper. More worryingly, this cell seems to be influencing and controlling Thavius Kreeg, the High Observer of the city of Elturel. Lastly that the leader of Baldur's Gate, Grand Duke Ulder Ravengard, is currently in Elturel, and his life may be is jeopardy.   The heroes digest this information. Princess and Reya are struck with horror at the idea that Kreeg may be in some way compromised. High Observer of Torm, Thavius Kreeg is holy leader of their theocracy, and such a suggestion is sacrilegious, but the words speak for themselves. They take an hour to rest, recuperate, tend their wounds and eat the meal the cultists had just prepared. In this hour the last remaining member of the Baneite camp awoke. He confirmed what the letters eluded, that there was a sixth in their camp who who was scout and was still at large, and that their cults plan is to take over Elturel, with Kreeg as their puppet. This flagrant insult sent Princess into a rage, her interrogation of the prisoner turned violent, gripping the sides of his head she began to crush his skull. Scott and Haelee Dalmoon quickly stepped in to try and restrain Princess, but alas it was too late. With a wet crunch, the cultist's head caved in.   Princess tried to justify her rage to her new companions, explaining that the Cult of the Dead Three is an incredibly dangerous organisation. That if they have managed to worm their way into the High Observer, then all of Elturel, the Kingdom of Elturgard, and maybe beyond is in danger. The idea of Kreeg turning his back on his vows, on his people sickens her, and that this must be investigated and stopped, one way or another. Princess departs the camp at this point, heading back along their infiltration path to the stream they used to cloak their approach. Haelee followed after her, taking a quiet moment to talk with the half-orc, to try and understand this world she isn't familiar with, and why Princess is so upset. Meanwhile, Erric, not having the stomach to watch torture, and ultimately the killing of a helpless person, turned his attention to the destruction of the camp. He and Scott piled up the tents, crates, barrels and cart, and set them ablaze.   With the backdrop of the destruction the party had wrought to this camp, they all headed back towards their horses. The ride back to Elturel was peaceful, but filled with discussions about what this all means, and what they should do next. The sun falling low on the horizon as they made it back past the city gates, the party decided to split up. Reya, Princess and Erric agreed to speak to Father Gideon Lightward. This cleric of Lathander, the good aligned god of the dawn and birth, was the figure that brought this group together in the first place. Princess, concerned about who to trust, was hesitant to divulge all of the information to him. Before the two groups split, they agreed to meet back at The Pair of Black Antlers, the tavern that they had all met at. Meanwhile, Scott had some other plans he wanted to attend to, so Haelee agreed to join him. Scott, new to town and somewhat between jobs was looking for a place to stay. Haelee offered to let him stay with Erric and herself at Hondardak's House, the Inn they've been renting a room at. Scott was extremely grateful for this generosity, and offered to buy Haelee dinner. The two toured a number of taverns in the Docks District before settling on haunt frequented by Hellriders by the Keep of Two Suns.   Arriving in The Chapel of Light, Princess, Reya and Erric overheard Gideon engaged in conversation in his private chamber with a female voice. Princess, suspicion hot in her mind, listened against the curtain to what was said. The conversation was muffled, but conveyed that Gideon was growing impatient with his superiors in dealing with the demonic incursions. Meanwhile the female voice implored calm and restraint. Gideon opened the curtain, surprised to find Princess behind it. Princess immediately pressed Gideon on who he was speaking to. The cleric smiled, and explained that he was conversing with The Lady in White. She is a celestial from the Seven Heavens, and the two have been guiding and helping one another. Somewhat reassured, the trio described what they had found in the woods. Gideon, troubled by the news, said that he would try and find out what he could from contacts he trusts in The Order of the Companion. He requested that they head to the High Observer's Hall, and see if they can find anything out; Hellriders have free reign in the building, as the ground floor functions as one of their barracks.   The two groups re-joined, found a table, ordered food and drinks, and discuss what Gideon had told them. There was a strong desire to explore the High Observer's Hall. Scott was keen due to the letter found at the camp, that implied that his ex-girlfriend was sent there, and is in league with the cultists. Princess tempered this rush, suggesting that as it's sunset, it would be better for them to go in the morning. Haelee asked the group whether they had seen her friend Feylan, an Eladrin like herself, but with blue colouration. The rest of the group unfortunately hadn't, but Scott flagged down his (old?) boss, the proprietor of The Pair of Black Antlers, Julie. A human woman, with a cold expression of resting-bitch-face, asks them what they want. Haelee enquires whether she's seen her friend, and Erric offers a gold for the information. She takes the gold and says she hasn't seen anyone that looks like Feylan, but that she has seen another elf, and puts out her hand for more money. Princess stresses that she is not in the mood for games, and for Julie to just tell Haelee what she knows. Julie, appreciating the direct approach, says that she has seen an elf that isn't green like Haelee, or blue like Feylan, but is more of an auburn colour. She's heard that this do-gooding elf is staying at Gallowglar's Inn.   Haelee insisted that the party head there immediately and with that they travelled across the Dock District until they found the inn. Within, they spoke to inn keeper Wollem, asking whether he had an elf with blue colouration lodging there. Noting Reya and Princess' Hellrider armour, he asked whether this is official Hellrider business. They said that it was, and he answered their question with a no. They asked whether he had a "Feylan" registered staying here; checking his book he had a name written down "Faelon". He took them to the room listed, and Haelee began pounding on the door and calling his name. After the short sound of shuffling and the door opening, an elf appeared behind it, auburn hair, skin with a slightly bronzed tint, hazel eyes. Unmistakeably Feylan, but also very different.

The Descent
Report Date
26 Jan 2024
Primary Location

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