Session III - Crime Everywhere Report

General Summary

The crew decide to break into XergoCorp after hours in order to steal the blue ceramics from Artemis Exibil 's office.   Sneaking in around the back, they easily manage to scale the wall, but run into guard hounds; requiring some stealthy running and hiding. While the others hide in a damaged walker, Bugsy sneaks in through the garbage conveyer, hiding in a pair of droid parts from two passing Gamorrean guards come to check out the noise.   Everybody hides in a gravskip full of scrap which Lan pushes further into the facility, until they run into a group of guards having an obviously illicit meeting with a gang of obvious criminals. There's a moment of attempted bluffing, before "Ahh criff. Freeze! Marshalls!" and the firefight breaks out. More guards run in, Rieva disintegrates someone, Meeka uses the robot trash handling arms to smash at least one guard into the ground. There is approximately one survivor.   Sneaking through into Exhibil's office, they disable security, hoover up the ceramics, and Meeka copies practically everything out of his computer.

  • The digs were funded by a Zabrak, one Professor Xaqat, in partnership with the University of Kalla, out of the Corporate Sector.
  • Campaign
    The Blazing Swan
    Report Date
    05 Jan 2020
    Primary Location
    Rigger's Delve

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