Session V: The Cascade Report

General Summary

The crew lounge around the Swan's rec room as Trin pilots the ship cautiously through the multiple lightspeed jumps it will take to reach the Cascade safely. Rieva makes Dash take his feet off the table. The discussion turns to how best to go undercover as Not Protectorate Marshalls, and Rieva practices looking like a criminal, aided by Bugsy who is nearly as bad as her. Dash and Lana already look like criminals, and three quarters of the room hadn't noticed Meeka was sitting there. Lana fetches clothes from her quarters to dress Rieva, and Bugsy begs her to loan him the Zorro costume that is one of her five or so outfits - complete with vibrorapier. Dash tried to persuade Rieva that she just needs a couple of drinks in her to make her relax into the role - and it transpires he's been drinking a tankard of margueritas the whole time. Rieve almost tries her first cigar.   They arrive at The Cascade, emerging far from the port and proceeding in shuttles; Rieva in Darkwing Ducking, Lana and Dash in the TYE-Ceptor and Meeka and Bugsy in the Party Pod. They land in a broad cavern with dozens of starships parked there.   Spotting a cantina sign, they variously head there, Lana and Dash arriving first and getting themselves into a Sabbac game by the time Rieva and Bugsy arrive through the disappointingly force-field door that precludes being kicked open. Rieva gets off to a good start, ordering a couple of firey shots from the Orangutan-like bartender, before stumbling slightly, and saving herself as a petty crim she's arested in the past makes a break for the door, she lays him out and looks pretty tough. Lana trades on this with her Sabbac companions to find out that the Shrike is parked outside and has been for several days. People notice someone slipping out a side door. Just as Rieva is starting to dig herself into a hole at the bar, the peace is interrupted by the sound of a blaster activating, as three large people step into the bar, and one shouts "WHERE'S MY CREDITS, SLEEMO?!?" before opening fire.   In the ensuing chaos, everybody runs for the side door. Lana and Meeka locate the Shrike and head over to it. Lana hangs back, trying to raise Dash on the comm, as Rieva tries the call button and tells Meeka to slice it, which takes her less time to do than it takes Rieva to make the request.   They activate the boarding ramp and Bugsy leads the way up, with Rieva behind him. He pokes his head into the lounge as Meeka checks the door logs, and just as she calls "I think there's someone in there" a blaster bolt narrowly missed his head. His arm snaps up and he shoots the blaster out of the assailant's hand as Rieva bursts through the door behind him, disruptor rifle levelled at the dark shape. Coming forward, the shape reveals herself to be none other than Effis, last seen years ago on Rascar.   Herron is indeed here, but people are looking for her, and she's been lying low....

Rewards Granted

20xp -> 85 total

The Blazing Swan
Report Date
23 Jan 2020

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