Episode II: I Know A Guy Report

General Summary

The pod (with Rieva Calhoun , Lana Brook  and Meeka descends to Rigger's Delve , escorting Dono Zarlena to the detention facility there. Sgt Winfrel Aaris  processes him, and informs them that Dash Sevanar has been released, after the Xergo Corporation sponsored his parole.   The visit the Xergo office, passing through the junker’s market. Meeka fixes the damaged security droid outside, removing its restraining bolt and making a (slightly dumb) friend. Inside, the receptionist protocol droid RK-1T "Ricket" stonewalls their enquiries, and Artemis Exibil comes out to ask them how he can sibillantly help them. Rieva and Lan join him in his office while Meeka tinkers with RK-1T and fixes him.   Artemis refuses to tell them the location of Dash Sevanar, but Lana persuades him it’s in his best interests to let them quickly investigate and get out of his hair. Rieva notices a piece of blue ceramic in his office in a display case. They leave. Rieva remembers seeing a similar piece in Oren Jakkar’s hand, years ago…   The team hire a speeder, despite the weather getting worse. Rieva narrowly avoids two collisions, and they arrive without crashing into a canyon wall. There’s a camp in a broad sandbowl, with the top of a sandstone ziggurat emerging from the sand. As they unload, Lana notices a flash from inside the entrance.   They enter, stepping over a couple of bodies, and push in. In a chamber below ground, a firefight rages. Meeka intercepts their comms, hearing a metallic voice say “Jakar, you can’t win, give it up”. The team collapses the centre of the roof, and runs to the aid of the lone fighter, who shoots Rieva in the head with a disruptor rifle, blinding, stunning and nearly killing her. Meeka pulls her into cover while Lana opens fire with her blasters.   The bounty hunter starts to explain that there has been a misunderstanding, he was a licensed bountry hunter in pursuit of a…

Rieva tells Meeka to “Just criffing shoot him” – she does, stunning him im the face mid monologue.   Dash Sevanar rushes over to thank them. Some flirting occurs with both Meeka and Lana.   The team departs, "commandeering" a walker. Riea’s porg coughs up a piece of blue ceramic.   Cut to the captain in the medical bay, with D0-C5 "Docs" complaining about the capain being shot again, and loading her into the bacta tank.

Rewards Granted

  • 10xp
  • Disruptor Rifle
  • Jetpack

Character(s) interacted with

Meeka made friends with two droids at the Xergo offices - guard and receptionist (RK-1T) Meeka, Rieva and Lana know Sgt Aaris at the detention block at Rigger's Delve. Artemis Exibil (local Xergo manage) is a greasy slimeball.


They have found Dash, and can learn about the dig. They know about the blue ceramics They have shot up Reshh and nicked his stuff

The Blazing Swan
Report Date
29 Nov 2019
Primary Location
Rigger's Delve

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