Session 1 - The Blazing Swan Report

General Summary

Scene 1 - The Swans stack up outside a diner in a hostage situation; Meeka on the roof and Lana inside with the hostages. Lana sets off a distraction charge to draw the guards' attention and gives the signal. Meeka cuts the power, Vai breaches the door and Rieva storms in, while BG-51 inserts himself into the droid delivery chute.   One gunfight later, one hijacker lies dead and four in custody. And the captain receives a distress call - a freighter called the Cherek Peth is under attack.   === Scene 2 - The Swan jumps to the beacon to find the Cherek Peth (a KDY Spacemaster transport) under attack from the Rambulan (a Gozanti class cruiser) and two Cloakshape fighters. The Swan launches fighters and moves to engage.   After a few of rounds of battering, Trin destroys the Rambulan, while Vai and Bugsy fly a shuttle over to the Cherek Peth, escorted by Lana and Rieva in fighters, having swatted the Cloakshapes.   Vai, Bugsy and Rieva crash down in a shuttle bay and board the ship, while Meeka directs Lana to an access hatch. They fight their way up through a corridor to the bridge, to find Dono Zarlena searching for someone. After subduing the pirates they discover:

  • Dono Zarlena is a Black Sun enforcer who is known to Lana
  • He was looking for Herron Ren, the navigator of the Cherek Peth
  • Captain Versio told them that Ren had left after buying her own ship, the Shrike.
  • Meeka found some names on Zarlena's datapad; Rieva Calhoun and Oren Jakkar.
  • Rieva knew Oren Jakkar back in the uprising, but hasn't seen him for years. But she thinks she knows someone who might.
  • Rewards Granted

    20xp Damaged Cloakshape Fighter

    Missions/Quests Completed

    Discovered Black Sun trying to kidnap Herror Rar Rieva wants to look up Oren Jakkar

    Character(s) interacted with

    Trin Vadith - Blazing Swans navigator Dono Zarlena - Black Sun thug Dev Versio - Captain of the the Cherek Peth Tover Dion - Navigator of the Cherek Peth Herron Ren - Former navigator of the Cherek Peth, now of the Shrike Oren Jakkar - Former rebel leader


    The PROTECTORATE. A rough frontier enclave of mining systems spread through the treacherous spacelanes of a supernova cluster.   A lawless place, the PROTECTORATE MARSHALS struggle to keep the peace, with badge and blaster.   This is the story of the starship BLAZING SWAN and the Marshals who serve aboard her

    The Blazing Swan
    Report Date
    10 Nov 2019

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