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Mandragora: Blood and Gold

A Dark Heresy 2nd Edition game In the world of Mandragora
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  • Mandragora Sector
Supporting Cast
  • Master of Ordnance Ambrosius Suradune
    A stern former officer of the Cadian fleets, now working aboard the Thunderfall. His responsibilities extend mostly to the ship's weapons and the crews that operate them, and he makes certain that there is no laxity in his vigilance.
  • Enginseer Prime Callius Xarc-Kaym
    The highest-ranking Tech-Priest in the crew, the Enginseer Prime is responsible for overseeing all technological matters aboard the vessel. He coordinates repairs, ensures proper maintenance rituals are performed, and in general keeps the ship's machine spirit appeased. He hails from the local forge world of Shaehol.
  • Master Helmsman Castinus Sevaralof
    Formerly a naval officer in Battlefleet Mandragora, Sevaralof changed careers in exchange for a significant increase in compensation and the glory of serving aboard a cruiser-class vessel. His skills are well-known, but he can be a bit inflexible in his thinking. His cybernetics allow him to interface partly with the ship's machine spirit while steering her.
  • High Factotum Douglas Morn-Verrick
    Logistics is a vital part of any business's functioning, and a Rogue Trader's fleet is no exception. Douglas was once the Seneschal aboard the Light of Providence, but was subsequently hired as High Factotum of the Thunderfall.
  • Epseliosa de Restine
    Former first mate of the Lord Ranaris, a chartist vessel. Hails from Nar-Sheptha and is a skilled pistol fighter.
  • Master-At-Arms Luther Bodric
    A gung-ho military man, Luther is the one responsible for ensuring that all of the ship's various onboard forces function as expected. He's former Imperial Guard, but was never a commissar and was originally an enlisted man.
  • Master of Etherics Olakor Greth
    The Tech-Priest responsible for operating the Thunderfall's auspex and vox, as well as many of the bridge's more advanced systems. Very clinical; states matters as they are rather than getting emotional.
  • Navigator Orchaenynn Hilachet
    The ship's navigator of the cruiser Thunderfall. She possesses bright green eyes, and keeps her third eye hidden behind a headband while not in use. She keeps a rodent as a pet and speaks to it like a person, often in the middle of other conversations.
++IMPERIAL YEAR 399.M39++   The Mandragora Sector is in decline. Lords and masters are divided and ineffectual. Weak men are driven by ambition they cannot hope to fulfill. Petty squabbles overshadow looming threats. Perhaps the region can be saved from itself, but that is beside your business.   As agents of a Rogue Trader dynasty, you seek profit above all. Tumult and chaos are synonymous with opportunity, and he who refuses to seize opportunity can only weep in the end. The petty struggles of governments and military powers are only of concern to you so long as they stand with or against your pursuit of wealth. You act as one of the only truly free agents in the Imperium.    Of course, others see the same signs, the same opportunities. For the amount of wealth available to be seized, many would sell their souls and abandon their humanity--sometimes literally. Cutthroat doesn't begin to describe the lengths to which your enemies will go to seize that which is rightfully yours.    Perhaps of equal concern is the presence of xenos agents; are they valuable trade partners or sources of strife and conflict? Freedom from the laws of any individual world protect you from most repercussions, but the arm of the Inquisition is long, and can come from anywhere.   You walk the razor's edge between financial ruin and eternal damnation. Your enemies will be many and your true allies few. Such immense wealth draws envious rivals and thieves alike. But if you can maintain the balance, defend what's yours, and destroy those who stand in your way, you will walk a path that leads to true power--and more importantly, the freedom to use that power as you see fit.   ++END TRANSMISSION++

This story is told by

The Protagonists

Lady Sara Kerres

Mayvy Hawkings

Rogue Trader Captain Tenoch Ecaz

Mordo Apozorn