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Group C Intro Session 2 Report

General Summary

During their time away, both provided talismans for Sia and K'van to wear to act as a synecdoche link for the spell.   After at least a couple hundred days in The Demonweb, Melech Lavant and Alvyn Nackle woke up for their final day. Sia informed them that she'd spotted a "biter" that had gotten separated from its herd.   The group approached, attempting to scare the creature into running into them. Unfortunately, the plan failed, resulting in a combat. Fortunately, Melech managed to fight off the corrupting effects of the few bites the thing took out of him. and the pair killed the creature, carrying it toward the ritual site so that they could use its fresh blood to finish painting the circle in order to repair the ritual site.   As the two said their tearful, temporary goodbyes to Sia and K'van, a large group of bloated rotting demons began to approach. Mixed messaging to Sia and K'van as Melech and Nim rushed to attempt to complete the ritual resulted in the pair accidentally coming within range of several demons as they tried to divert the swarm from their friends, K'van falling unconscious and a limping Sia rushing off with him in her arms. Melech took the risk of running outside as the swarm approached to heal Sia with a Healing Word, running back inside just a few seconds after Nim to jump through the now-opened portal.   Nim awoke back in the Velvin Thicket, rushing out to meet with his master Saldon. It took a bit of persuading, but Saldon provided components for the spell and supervised the summoning. Sia appeared and hugged Nim before realizing that she couldn't sense K'van anymore.   Meanwhile, Melech awoke in his bed in The Jazzy Jester tavern within the town of Talonstadt. He ate breakfast and headed outside to purchase the necessary components for his spell. When he finished summoning K'van in his room, a tearful K'van informed him that it had been days since Sia left him and that it had been weeks since they last saw the two but that he finally sensed her again now that he was here.   Sia suddenly sensed K'van again as well, feeling relieved but a bit worried at the distance between them. Saldon gave Nim his blessing to leave the Thicket, advising him to say his goodbyes as it may prove difficult to find their tribe again in the future.   With that, both headed out, Nim gathering an additional set of supplies to summon Sia for safety and Melech gathering herbs along the side of the road for the same purpose. Weeks later, both arrived in the town of Deastok, headed for the tavern near the easternmost gate.

Rewards Granted

Both reached level 2!   Both received enough stuff for an additional casting of Find Familiar (for Melech, minus about 3gp worth of incense)

Character(s) interacted with

Brought Sia and K'van to the material plane via Find Familiar; discovered the severity of the time dilation effect.

Lia's Thursday Game

Melech Lavant

Report Date
27 Sep 2020

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