S4 - Strixhaven: A Curriculum of Chaos

A Dungeons & Dragons 5e game In the world of Dice Hard
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Strixhaven has had a rough beginning. Merlin isn't sharing how many times this school has started and stopped. It is known that a tabaxi who was declined for a teching position kidnapped a bunch of students and tried to make her own school. But only because it coincided with a demigod deciding they wanted some extra winter and froze the already frozen north.   But spilled milk, water and bridges... And a remorseless vampire with a hatred for Goblins of all things being used as security with the health of the students being her highest priority as requested by Merlin... And the School has now lasted several semesters. After succsefully graduating 2 classes, Merlin decides to invite his political allies, people he wishes to hobknob with, children of kings, and famous spellcasters of the realm.   Most Decline.   In retaliation, Merlin offers a scholarship. 1 year only, dependant on grades. He will uplift anyone. If they get high marks or meet his favor, they will continue to be invited back. If they fail, they must pay their continued tuition to attend. Old and young, Mages and fighters. All are welcome.   He offers this to friends,Camelot, Adventuring Parties he has worked with, a particular keep deep in marsh, Ten towns. He even sends invites as low as to the underdark itself and as high as a dragonriding gnome reaching middle age. This year should be..... Interesting.

This story is told by

The Protagonists

Trinket Moony

Neutral Good Gem Dragonborn (Sapphire) (Silverquill Student)
Bard 2
13 / 13 HP