Masters Session Ten

General Summary

As the sun dipped low on the horizon, casting long shadows across the dusty road, our intrepid band of heroes rode their mounts towards what they thought was just another unremarkable grove. They couldn't have been more wrong.   The ambush came swiftly and mercilessly. Thistletop and Sherrak, caught with their pants down, barely had time to register the glint of steel before all hell broke loose. The others, blessed with sharper eyes or dumb luck, managed to spot the danger lurking in the underbrush.   Arrows whistled through the air as a hobgoblin archer, hiding like a coward in the woods, let loose their first volley. But our heroes weren't about to go down without a fight. They dismounted with the grace of acrobats and the speed of desperate men, ready to face the horde head-on.   The battle raged like a wildfire, fierce and unpredictable. Sherrak, overcome by the chaos, channelled a burst of wild magic that washed over his companions like a soothing balm. It was a small comfort in the face of the horrors that followed.   One by one, the hobgoblin troopers fell, their bodies erupting into grotesque fountains of infernal ooze that hissed and bubbled on the blood-soaked ground. The stench was ungodly, like rotten eggs left to fester in the summer heat.   As the tide turned, the hobgoblin leader emerged from their hiding spots. The war mage, glowing with unholy fire, unleashed arcane fury upon the party. But it wasn't enough. In the end, he and his fire-wielding companion were the last to fall, their screams echoing through the grove as they met their grisly fate.   In the eerie quiet that followed, our heroes stumbled upon the grim scene in the abandoned farmhouse - a merchant and her guards, their lifeless eyes staring into the void. As they searched the bodies, a holy symbol belonging to the Church of the First caught their eye - a chilling reminder of the dark forces at play in this cursed land.

Rewards Granted

From the marauders:

  • Flails (8)
  • Short sword (1)
  • Heavy Crossbow (1)
  • Holy Symbol: A dark relic carried by the hobgoblin war mage, identified as a symbol associated with the Church of the First.
In the farmhouse:
  • 355 Gold Pieces
  • Studded Leather Armor (3)
  • Light Crossbows (3) each with 15 bolts
  • Longswords (3)

Age of Worms
Report Date
29 Jun 2024

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