Session 5 - Naughty Noble

General Summary

14 Desnus (May), 4725 AR   Word travelled quickly through Ravengro about the heroes that recovered a magic key and book and survived the Tomb of Blood Everflowing. The heroes found themselves viewed a bit more favourably than when they first arrived in town. This helped Cal as he began his investigation. He had originally come to town to find a missing nobleman named Albert Rothport, and his potential involvement with a cult known as the Ebon Triad.   Cal pieced together Albert's time in Ravengro with his allies' aid:

  • Albert Rothport arrived in Ravengro aboard The Azure Serpent and purchased a private room at The Stone Chalice for two nights.
  • During the first evening, Albert went to the Emporium and gambled away quite a bit of money. According to Zalamandra, the proprietress of the Emporium, he was betting recklessly "as if money meant nothing to him."
  • To kick things up a notch, Albert wanted to purchase the Veiled Corridor for the night, availing himself of the companions working there. Zalamandra told him that would not be possible. Albert was not used to being denied anything. Fuelled by privilege and exotic wine, Albert demanded satisfaction. Instead, a well-dressed orc flesh golem named Kurlag unceremoniously tossed him out the back door of the Emporium.

Time to leave.
  • Albert made his way to the Midnight Salute bordello. He spoke with Purple Prose, the madame of the house, and told her he wanted to buy out the house and party. Not wanting an unsatisfied customer, Purple Prose told him that some of her people were entertaining clients, but if he was willing to wait, she could oblige his request.
  • Purple Prose offered to entertain young Albert while he waited. Unfortunately, the alcohol had caught up to him, and Albert wasn't in much of a condition for anything. He became embarrassed and angry and lashed out. He slapped Prose across the face, and was promptly thrown down by house security, Captain Roderick Ironclad. The captain wanted to cut Albert's hands off, but Purple Prose forgave the young man's error in judgment. Instead of being mangled or killed, Albert was sent on his way.
  • Finally, Albert returned to the Stone Chalice, bought a bottle of Phoenix Flame whiskey, and retired to his room after failing to woo barmaid Aria Moonshadow into joining him for a late-night rendezvous.
  • Aria went to his room the next day to clean it. Albert was gone, but his personal items were still there. She made his bed, freshened his water, and left. She returned the next day and found that nothing had been touched.
  • Ragnolin Dourstone, owner of the Stone Chalice, was asked what to do. He said to hold the noble's things for one day, then burn them. Aria did so but noticed that Albert had only left clothing behind. Wherever the young noble disappeared, he took his valuables with him.
During the interrogations at the Emporium, it was discovered that a well-known band of adventurers known as the Scion Squad had come to town. Tike Myson had travelled with them for a time, a fact overlooked by the group leader Khellek. Gladiator and two-time winner of the Absalom Champion's Games, Vixus the All-Mighty, told the heroes that they had information regarding an archeologist that had gone missing about sixty years ago. He and his team had gone to the Stirgenest Cairn in search of valuable artifacts and never returned. The Scion Squad planned to go to the Stirgenest Cairn and relieve it of its treasures.   Alfie Bud took in a magic show while the interrogations were going on and met Clover Brightfoot, illusion magician and entertainer. Clover was thrilled to have an adventurer in the audience. She was envious of the excitement and danger of the adventuring life.   After the show, Alfie met up with the rest of the party. One of the consorts snuck downstairs and told the party that the Scion Squad was going to the wrong place. The archaeologist went missing in the Whispering Cairn, not Stirgenest. Clover lit up and exclaimed that she knew where the Whispering Cairn was. She would be willing to take the heroes to this place before the Scion Squad learned of their mistake. The consort explained why she was giving this information: "Khellek is an asshole."   Seeing that Clover's excitement might be stronger than her ability to keep a secret, the heroes decided to leave for the tomb the following morning.

Missions/Quests Completed

  • Some questions about Albert Rothport's disappearance have been answered, but the young man's location remains unknown.
  • There is no information at all about the Ebon Triad operating in the area, or having any contact with Albert. 

Age of Worms


Report Date
16 Oct 2023
Primary Location

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