Masters Session Eight

General Summary

The adventure opened with the Illuminators being summoned to an urgent audience with Prince Eli Voronov by Knight Aleyd Burral, accompanied by four Black Gauntlets and one Blessed Angel. In the throne room of Ebonhand Palace, they found Prince Voronov flanked by two Blessed Angels. He commended the party for their efforts in Salisgrad but lamented the lingering corruption within his ranks. With a chilling display of ruthlessness, Voronov executed an imperial officer and charged the party with capturing four escaped traitors who threatened the stability of Salisgrad. To aid them, he bestowed upon them powerful runetech weapons.   After the audience, Bishop briefed the party about worsening eldritch storms around the Isle of Terror and the increasing peril of the Iron Route. They learned about two outlaw groups plaguing the route: the Gray Patriots, led by Sahnd Krulek, and the Claws of Dahak, a kobold legion led by the draconian Jeralla. The party set off to King's Pyre to disrupt negotiations between the two groups and bring Krulek to justice.   Traveling to King’s Pyre, the party encountered and engaged in battle with Jeralla’s forces, culminating in a confrontation with both outlaw leaders. They managed to kill Jeralla and capture Krulek but were ambushed by orcs. After a fierce battle, the party retreated with their captive and gained crucial information about the remaining traitors. With the help of the kobold Sharrak, they planned their next move towards the Stolen Lands and the next member of the Traitorous Four.  

Rewards Granted

Runetech Weapons:

  • Thistletop: +1 Sledgehammer
  • Gardoon: +1 Greatsword
  • Bashrog: +1 Warhammer
  Kobold Camp:
  • Chest filled with silver trade bars: 15 gp total
  • Three bolts of fine silk: 5 gp each
  • Barrel of spices: 10 gp
  • Single garnet: 5 gp
  • Set of silver candlesticks: 5 gp
Jeralla’s Wagon:
  • 80 gp in loose coins
  • Silver trade bars: 20 gp total, bearing the mint mark of Absalom
  • Jade dragon statuette: 10 gp
  • Set of jeweled finger gauntlets: 10 gp
  • Copper locket containing a painting of a halfling child: 5 gp
Sahnd Krulek:
  • Suit of Black Gauntlet plate armor, painted gray.

Missions/Quests Completed

  • Brought the first of the four Black Gauntlet traitors, Sahnd Krulek, to justice and came one step closer to removing the curse on Salisgrad's Lighthouse.
  • Vashon Blackwater is currently operating in the north of the River Kingdom in The Stolen Lands, near the border of Brevoy. There is no mention of the location of Drustan Riverwood and Corbin Aldway.

Character(s) interacted with

  • Knight Aleyd Burral: Black Gauntlet knight who serves the people of Salisgrad.
  • Prince Eli Voronov: The ruler who tasks the party with capturing traitors to secure Salisgrad.
  • Blessed Angels (Erinyes devils): Towering figures in blood-red armor, serving as Voronov’s intimidating bodyguards.
  • Lieutenant Commander Thayer Gault: Voronov’s officer, executed for failing to prevent corruption among the Black Gauntlet.
  • Bishop: Intelligence Officer who briefs the party on regional threats and directs them to King's Pyre.
  • Sahnd Krulek: Disgraced knight and leader of the Gray Patriots, captured by the party. One of the Traitorous Four, responsible for the curse on Salisgrad's Lighthouse.
  • Jeralla: Draconian leader of the Claws of Dahak, killed by the party (via owlbear).
  • Sharrak: Mutated kobold and spy for the Church of the First, assists the party.
  • Narle Shieldbiter: Orc leader of the Burning Banner clan, attacks during the final battle.

Age of Worms
Report Date
18 May 2024

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