Session 19 - Mimics and Meteors

General Summary

On the outskirts of the small town of Ravengro, a catastrophic explosion shattered the night sky, originating from the nearby Dourstone Mine. This disaster resulted in numerous fatalities and caused a partial collapse of the mine. Officially deemed an "unfortunate accident," the true cause remains a mystery. In the ensuing chaos, local authorities found Dourstone Manor overrun with undead. The gruesome scene inside suggested that the manor's lord and mine owner, Ragnolin Dourstone, had met a horrific end, presumably devoured by zombies, evidenced by a blood-soaked bed and a severed piece of his nose found on the floor.   Locals have since referred to this as the "Dourstone Curse."   Meanwhile, in the remote Numerian Plains, a glowing meteorite impacted the earth. Although it went largely unnoticed by the broader world, it significantly affected the local ecosystem. Intrigued by this anomaly, the Technic League sent arcanists to explore the crash site. Their investigations led to the discovery of a hidden crypt, awakening its ancient magical defenses and unleashing long-contained horrors.   Back at the Mystic Trove, Zephyr, a broker and shop owner, approached the party, who offered them a high-stakes task: to retrieve the cursed Helm of Titan’s Wrath from the depths of the crypt in Numeria. Zephyr explained the region's perilous defenses and the presence of the meddling Technic League. The heroes agreed to the mission, signing a contract that bound them to secrecy and urgency, with the promise of facing grave dangers and potentially earning great riches.   Transported by a construct known as Sweep, the party realized upon arrival that Dav  was missing. When questioned, Sweep nonchalantly shrugged and continued on. The journey to the crypt was fraught with challenges—the landscape around the meteorite was transformed into a dangerous terrain teeming with mutated creatures and arcane traps. They were aided by Dunner, a dwarven warpriest whose own party had been decimated by a lethal trap.   Inside the crypt, the adventurers encountered both cunning and brute challenges. Ancient statues and faded carvings depicted the history of Sekh-pa-Mefer III, the Pharaoh of Sphinxes, who conquered lands during the Age of Darkness and was eventually entombed in what is now Numeria. A cleverly disguised pit trap nearly cut their expedition short, but they managed to continue deeper into the crypt.   At the crypt’s core, they believed they had discovered the pharaoh's sarcophagus. However, as they approached, the sarcophagus lid transformed, sprouting teeth and tendrils that menacingly reached out towards them.

Rewards Granted

  • Zephyr gave the party 1500 gp (in platinum) as an advance on their contract. The remaining 13,500 gp would be awarded upon successfully completing the contract.

Missions/Quests Completed

  • Arrived in Numeria and entered the tomb of Sekh-pa-Mefer III, the Pharaoh of Sphinxes.

Character(s) interacted with

  • Sweep, an armless construct responsible for teleporting the party back to the Mystic Trove. 

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