Session 11 - Monks, Mines, and Mayhem

General Summary

The party ventured to the Veiled Lotus Monastery, renowned for its martial and mystical prowess combination. Their objective was straightforward: to engage in commerce at The Arcane Blossom, a shop within the monastery. Here, Master Liang, a figure known for his vast array of consumables, greeted them.   During their visit, a significant presence entered the shop. Norreth, a senior minotaur monk of the monastery and a trainer of novice monks approached the party with an intriguing proposition. He proposed a training exercise for his wards, which involved a challenge for the adventurers. The terms were enticing: should the party triumph in combat against the monks within thirty seconds, Master Liang would purchase all their items, magical and non-magical alike, and offer training at the monastery to any party member able to afford it. The party accepted and impressively completed the challenge in a mere thirteen seconds.   Meanwhile, Alfie experienced a personal development. He returned to his farm, engaging in the mundane yet satisfying task of training his baby owlbear, Potato, to fetch. However, a peculiar incident occurred: an eagle unexpectedly flew out of his home. When questioned, Alfie's mother feigned ignorance, marking the first instance Alfie perceived deceit from her.   After regrouping, the party convened at Vaz'non's residence to strategize their next steps. Unexpectedly, Kullen joined the gathering, extending an invitation to a business dinner on behalf of Boniface Halbert, prominent mine boss of Ravengro. During the dinner, as intoxication took hold of Boniface, he divulged a harrowing tale: Ragnolin Dourstone, another mine boss and more respected member of the community, had desecrated the grave of Boniface's brother, Germaine Halbert, and stolen his head. In a macabre exchange, Ragnolin demanded rare materials from Boniface in return for his brother's head. Desperate and distressed, Boniface enlisted the party's aid to recover Germaine’s head from the Dourstone Mine, offering 500 gold pieces each for their service.   Armed with bribe money and a medallion of the Ebon Triad, a cult previously encountered by the party, they gained access to the Dourstone Mine. However, they found not a mine but a dark cathedral, the lair of the Ebon Triad cult. The party faced a relentless onslaught: guards, skeletons serving as alarms, and newly inducted cultists eager to prove their devotion. In the aftermath of this fierce battle, as Dav cautiously inspected a door for traps, it abruptly flew open. A sword, wielded by a member of the Asmodean branch of the Ebon Triad, thrust menacingly towards Dav’s chest, signalling that the cult's threat was far from over.

Rewards Granted

From the tiefling guards of Asmodeus:

  • leather armor(3)
  • battle axe (3)
  From the fanatic cultists:
  • chain shirts (6)

Character(s) interacted with

  • Kullen: Loyal associate of Boniface Halbert, tolerant of Halbert's abuse.
  • Boniface Halbert: Racist scumbag, corrupt and knows it.
  • Clover Brightfoot: Forced to perform for Boniface in his home. She has to work off the violation of her contract with Zalamandra proprietress of the Emporium.
  • Norreth: Way of the Long Death Monk.

Age of Worms


Report Date
01 Jan 2024
Primary Location

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