Masters Session Seven

General Summary

The session begins under cover of the night, and the Illuminators were urgently summoned by Knight Aleyd Burral, the Black Gauntlet officer the party had met investigating the ghost ship attacks. Despite some initial hesitations from the party, Burral explains the urgency of their mission—to investigate a murder potentially linked to a dangerous cult within the city.  

Investigation Begins

The party was taken to a crime scene where they met another officer, Bishop, and a grieving woman, Kevori Fearnehart, who identified the victim as her brother, Delvin Fearnehart. Delvin was investigating cult activities in the city and had not reported back for several days. The horrific state of Delvin's body, with his tongue cut out and an eyeball stuffed in his pocket, hinted at the involvement of the Whispering Way, a notorious cult.  

Gathering Clues

The eyeball was more than just a macabre ornament. It acted as a key and a compass to the cult’s hideout. The party was tasked with further investigating the cult and capturing any members alive for interrogation. Using spells like Detect Magic and Identify, the heroes learned the function of the eyeball, which led them to the catacombs under Salisgrad.  

Catacomb Exploration

The party ventures into the catacombs, encountering various challenges:
  • A ghost in the Cinerary Rotunda could not remember their identity.
  • A flooded tunnel housing a dangerous Water Elemental.
  • Cult activities defiled zombie-infested crypts that were once serene burial sites.

Cultist Encounter

Deep within the catacombs, the party uses the eyeball to unlock a secret door, leading them to the cultist quarters, where several members are found sleeping. Upon interrogation, the party learns more about the cult's leader, Zalryr, who was conducting nefarious experiments in a ritual chamber.  

Confrontation with Zalryr

In the ritual chamber, Zalryr was caught extracting secrets from his followers' souls, transforming them into shadowy entities. After a fierce battle, Zalryr was killed, which only served to hint about the cult's operations and their devotion to the resurrected lich, Tar Baphon.  

Tar Baphon’s Appearance

As the session culminated, the apparition of Tar Baphon appeared, expressing a twisted form of approval for the party's actions. He left them with supernatural gifts that were both a boon and a reminder of his watchful presence.

Rewards Granted

From the corpse of Zalryr, cleric of Tar Baphon:

  • oil of magic weapon
  • potion of cure light wounds (2)
  • scroll of death knell
  • scroll of owl's wisdom
  • +1 leather armor
  • ring of protection +1
  • masterwork dagger
  • 30 gp

Missions/Quests Completed

  • REWARD: 1 XP.

Character(s) interacted with

  • Knight Aleyd Burral: Investigator of ghost ship attacks, initiates the protagonist's involvement in the plot.
  • Bishop: A commanding half-elf Black Gauntlet officer who introduced the murder case. He was the same officer who hired the group to intercept a dragon egg smuggler shortly after the party arrived in Salisgrad.
  • Delvin Fearnehart: The deceased investigator, a freelance mercenary hired by Bishop.
  • Kevori Fearnehart: Delvin’s sister, also an investigator and mercenary.
  • Zalryr: The cult leader encountered in the catacombs, conducting dark rituals.


  • Prince Eli Voronov arrested a priest from the Church of the First and executed him via decapitation, by decree of Asmodeus. The church was deemed to be a cult and therefore illegal within Salisgrad and the surrounding territory.

Age of Worms
Report Date
02 May 2024
Primary Location

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