Masters Session Nine

General Summary

Session Nine - Illuminators Assemble!

Travel Decision

The session began with the Illuminators debating their travel options to Pitax. After considering the pros and cons of horseback versus river travel, they opted for the river. Their decision was influenced by the cost-effectiveness of acting as rowers, which earned them a significant discount on their passage aboard The Emerald Wave, captained by river veteran Arina "Riverhawk" Volkov.  

Life Aboard The Emerald Wave

The Illuminators quickly integrated with the crew, building camaraderie as they rowed alongside the dwarven first-mate Thorek Ironfist and half-orc crewman Marek. Leera Morozov, the halfling cook and medic, kept everyone well-fed with hearty meals and even prepared a specialty cocktail, the Bon Voyage, for those departing the boat at their final destination. A memorable moment occurred when Leera skillfully repelled the flirty advances of the kobold Sharrak, much to the crew's and passengers' amusement.  

Merrow Attack

During a tranquil stretch of the river, the Emerald Wave was suddenly beset by a group of three freshwater Merrow. Sharrak's mighty draconic roar bolstered the morale of the Illuminators, inspiring courage in the face of danger. The situation turned dire when Daisy was grabbed by a Merrow and nearly dragged off the boat. However, Thistletop and Gardoon struck down the creature just as it reached the ship's railing, saving Daisy and securing the boat.  

Navigating the Rapids

The crew found themselves challenged in the form of treacherous rapids. Despite their combined efforts, the Illuminators were unable to navigate through unscathed. Gardoon's keen observation revealed that the rapids were a result of a failed attempt to dam off that section of the river, which had created dangerous whirlpools and swift currents. Although the Emerald Wave sustained some damage, the team managed to guide the boat through, ensuring they continued their journey without further delay.  

Arrival at Pitax

Upon arrival at Pitax, the Illuminators were approached by Bruni Veronesi, the sister of the ship's navigator, Gerrick. She urgently needed help dealing with thugs extorting local businesses. The heroes accompanied her to her shop, where Bashrog and Gardoon intimidated the thugs. One thug fled out the back, only to be confronted by Thistletop. Daisy swiftly ended the confrontation by killing him and, in a gruesome display, eating his face off. The remaining thug removed his armor and fled. Bruni, grateful for their assistance, hinted at her connection to the thieves guild and offered to gather information on Vashon Blackwater, the next member of the Traitorous Four the Illuminators were seeking.

Rewards Granted

From the Flower Shop Thugs:

  • Scale mail (100 gp resale value) 
  • Chain shirt (50 gp resale value)

Character(s) interacted with

The crew and passengers of The Emerald Wave:

  • Captain Arina "Riverhawk" Volkov - Captain of the Emerald Wave, very knowledgeable about navigating the rivers of the River Kingdom.
  • First Mate Thorek Ironfist - One-eyed dwarf, rower who enjoyed good ale when not assisting the captain.
  • Navigator Gerrick Veronesi - Dwarven navigator who slept during the day and would steer the ship at night, riding the currents while the others slept.
  • Deckhand Marek - Towering Half-Orc with greenish skin, a shaved head, and a muscular build. He has several scars from past battles and a perpetual scowl. Rarely speaks.  
  • Cook and Medic Leera Morozov - Lira is a cheerful halfling, a talented cook, and a capable bartender with her unique "bon voyage" drinks.
  • Borislav "Boris" Dragovich - Half-Elf Merchant and Spice Trader from Salisgrad (has Mark of Citizenship).
  • Lady Katerina Tsvetkov - Human Noblewoman and Diplomat from Sevenarches, who was aloof for most of the trip but revealed an "attraction" to dwarves.

In the city of Pitax:

  • Bruni Veronesi - sister of the Emerald Wave's navigator, Gerrick. For dealing with some thugs in her flower shop, and saving her brother's life about the Emerald Wave, Bruni offered to use her contacts to discover information regarding Vashon Blackwater.

Age of Worms
Report Date
01 Jun 2024
Primary Location
River Kingdoms

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