Session 24 - Warpriest Woes

General Summary

The ancient temple claimed by the lizardfolk loomed before them, seeming to climb out of the very earth of the mistmarsh. The Ruinlords approached cautiously, eyes wide and ears straining for any hint of traps or ambushes. The temple was an ominous sight, its secrets waiting to be unearthed by those brave—or foolish—enough to enter.  

The Outer Sanctum

The heroes had finally reached the mysterious temple's outer sanctum after a gruelling trek through the swamp. A huge stone platform rose from the water, the remnants of marble columns reaching towards the overcast sky. As they climbed the three well-worn stone steps from the water to the platform, they noted several small skiffs tied to spikes driven into the steps.   Cal, ever vigilant, was the first to spot that the back "wall" wasn't a wall but a screen of seashells strung together. Skinshaped to resemble lizardfolk, Ebon Triad Guardians hid behind the curtain alongside human Cultists. When the targets were within range, the Guardian seized the moment to unleash a volley of arrows while the Cultists summoned bolts of necrotic energy. The battle was swift and brutal. The Cultists fought fiercely with their obsidian scythes and dark magic, but the heroes ultimately triumphed. Each Cultist wore a medallion of the Ebon Triad, and the Guardians bore magical protection rings embedded with black onyx stones. A closer inspection revealed the symbol of the Cult of the Shattered God, hidden beneath the stones.   Each member of the Ebon Triad carried a healing potion with them. Cal's keen eye noticed a tiny worm floating in each potion vial - a worm similar to the one that brought the heroes here. Not wanting to risk tampering with the worm-infused solution, the potions were left behind.

The Inner Sanctum

Behind the curtain, another chamber awaited, filled with eerie mosaics depicting battles and dark rituals. In the center stood a bas-relief carving of a giant, toothy maw. Cal discovered a secret doorway hidden in the floor that slid open, revealing a flight of stairs descending into darkness. Potato caught an odd scent and began pawing at the small opening in the bas-relief door. Dunner, recognizing the size of the opening, pressed an onyx ring to it. The door groaned open, more expansive than it appeared. Beyond lay a cave that seemed to have been carved out by Ilthane, the black dragon protector of the Twisted Branch tribe.  

The Egg Chamber

Further exploration in the burrowed-out cave led them to a chamber filled with hundreds of tiny, pale eggs floating in shallow water. At the southern end of the pool, a halfling-sized black egg loomed ominously over the others. They found signs that the Ebon Triad Guardians had been protecting the eggs, but the adventurers refrained from further investigation to avoid disturbing the fragile eggs.  

The Burning Trap

Dunner and Tike Myson led the way down the treacherous stairs. As they stepped on the fifth stair, it receded loudly, transforming into a steep inclined plane. Tike caught himself, but Dunner wasn't so lucky. He slid down and was hurled into a flaming pit, the searing heat threatening to consume him. With quick thinking and teamwork, the party rescued Dunner from the flames and healed his injuries.  

Cavernous Concern

Beyond the pit of fire, the heroes discovered a mighty river cutting through the heart of an underground cavern. The air was thick with moisture, and the oppressive darkness seemed to weigh on their shoulders. The river's current was strong, its waters dark and foreboding, whispering secrets of an ancient past long forgotten.   With his magical boots gleaming faintly in the dim light, Tike leaped over the churning waters and landed on the far side. Tike secured a raft and began the slow, careful process of ferrying the others across.   When they finally reached the opposite bank, the sight that greeted them was both awe-inspiring and chilling. A stark and imposing pyramid loomed out of the darkness. It was a monolith from when the world was young, and gods still walked among mortals. The pyramid's shadow stretched out, swallowing the light and casting the heroes in a gloom that hinted at the trials yet to come.

Rewards Granted

Loot from the Ebon Triad:

  • Chainmail (3) 
  • Spider Carapace Armor (as per Leaf Armor) (2)
  • Obsidian Scythe (4)
  • Masterwork Quarterstaff (2)
  • Shattered God Ring of Protection +1 (2)


  • The lizardfolk had repurposed the temple for their protection and the protection of their eggs. The structure, the stonework, and the architecture all seemed to indicate that it existed before the swamp. What was the temple initially used for?
  • The Cult of the Shattered God was a sub-sect within the church of the Ebon Triad. The Ruinlords had discovered that the Ebon Triad was not about combining three gods into one. In truth, a ritual could combine magical artifacts passed by the churches of Asmodeus, Dahak, and Norgorber into something powerful. If that was the case, what was the "Shattered God?"
  • Where were the Blackwall Keep hostages? Where was the sorceress Marzena?
  • How did Gruul Bloodfang, an Orc chieftain, get involved in all of this?

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