Session 12 - Asmodean Ambush

General Summary

The evening started with an intense stand-off: Dav found himself perilously close to the sharp end of an Asmodean Sentinel's blade. Anticipating trouble, Tike quickly rushed the sentinel, preventing it from harming Dav. Amidst this, a smoke grenade was thrown, exploding behind them and filling the area with a thick cloud of smoke.   As the group struggled with limited visibility, more sentinels emerged from their barracks. One engaged in battle with Fiernar, while another slipped away, releasing a fierce dire boar trained to attack strangers. The fight that ensued was cautious and difficult due to the heavy smoke and near-zero visibility.   Once the smoke cleared, the third sentinel was notably missing. The heroes promptly searched the nearby rooms and followed the trail of the missing sentinel. Cal used his newly acquired mystic spyglass to inspect a barricaded door at the end of a hallway. He saw the wounded sentinel and three guards armed with longbows, ready to attack anyone who tried to enter.   Dav, quick to think, proposed a strategy to outflank the guards by going through a set of nearby double doors. Behind these doors was a battle temple dedicated to Asmodeus. There, they saw three armored priests with crossbows on a balcony and the four guards, including the injured sentinel, waiting in ambush on a side balcony.   The scene intensified as Theldrick, the High Priest of the Asmodean Wing, spoke with a chilling conviction about the futility of resistance and the cosmic inevitability of the Overgod's coming. He boasted about his future position in the Ebon Triad's high council and the doom of the heretics who dared to oppose him.   Faced with a daunting challenge, low on resources, spells, and health, and outnumbered and outflanked, the heroes steeled themselves for what at promised to be a defining and perilous battle.

Rewards Granted

From the Asmodean Sentinels:

  • 100 gp in coin
  • a small, velvet bag containing 20 pp and a golden necklace worth 100 gp
In the room of the Cultist Fanatics:
  • a golden holy symbol of Asmodeus worth 100 gp and the broken blade of a silver ceremonial dagger worth 50 gp

Age of Worms


Report Date
06 Jan 2024

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