Session 20 - Secrets of the Pharaoh

General Summary

Deep beneath Numeria, in the tomb of the Osirion conqueror Pharaoh Sekh-pa-Mafer III, all was far from peaceful.  

The Hypostyle Chamber

the intrepid adventurers had entered the grand Hypostyle Chamber, where the eerie beauty of pink granite columns carved like palm trees surrounded the group. Traditionally an entrance to the mortuary temple, the chamber held a dangerous surprise—a mimic disguised as a sarcophagus. After a fierce skirmish, the mimic was defeated, revealing a trove of treasures that hadn't quite been digested by the creature. The bones and armor fragments hinted at the fate of those who thought to explore the tomb, thinking it would be an easy score. Instead, they became the "easy score."  

The Sanctuary and the Chapel

The Sanctuary housed a black granite statue of Pharaoh Sekh-pa-Mefer III under a ceiling of gilt stars. An intricate false door hinted at ancient secrets, etched with hieroglyphics that offered prayers to the afterlife, honor to the pharaoh, and a Remove Curse spell. Exploring further, the adventurers entered the Subsidiary Chapel, where shrines to the gods Set and Ra contained hidden relics and another secret—a papyrus scroll of Searing Light hidden in a statue.  

Chariots of the Dead

One of the most dramatic moments occurred in the Chariots of the Dead chamber. Two painfully sturdy chariots triggered by a pressure plate charged across the room whenever someone stepped on one of the pressure plates scattered across the room. Ever the investigator, Cal managed to track each pressure plate as he forged a trail across the expansive room.  

Barrier of Entry and Elemental Encounter

Deeper into the tomb, the heroes were confronted by a wall of force inscribed with the cartouche of Pharaoh Sekh-pa-Mafer. Beyond the barrier was an ornate stone door that would remain unreachable. The Chamber of the Four Elements tested their elemental knowledge. Believing it to be the key to lowering the barrier they had just seen, the heroes assembled tests to prove their theory. Instead, they activated the earth obelisk and fought a formidably large earth elemental. Further experiments would wait.  

The Pharaoh's Harem

One of the most unsettling discoveries was in the Pharaoh’s Harem. What appeared as a luxurious chamber was an illusion masking the reality of decay and the undead. Once revealed as undead zombie lords, the seemingly charming occupants attacked the adventurers in their true, ghastly forms. However, amidst the illusion was a deception that actually proved useful—a secret passageway that led to the true burial chamber of Pharaoh Sekh-pa-Mafer.  

The Final Stand in the Burial Chamber

The session's climax unfolded in the Burial Chamber, where the adventurers encountered a dying ancient wyrm gold dragon, Aurixalar, bound to a magical barrier imprisoning the Helm of Titan’s Fury, and its owner. The tragic tale of the dragon’s centuries-long vigil and the corruption of Pharaoh Sekh-pa-Mefer by the Helm added a poignant layer to their adventure. With the dragon's last breath, the responsibility to destroy the cursed Helm fell upon the party. "Stop him..." Aurixalar warned the party as he passed, his draconic essence passing to echoes of himself across time and space.   The power of that essence invigorated the party as well. They would need that invigoration, for as the barrier around the sarcophagus dropped, the pharaoh rose from his coffin. Now a mummy, yet still wearing the helm, Pharaoh Sekh-pa-Mafer ordered the party to kneel before their new god.   When they refused, the pharaoh gave them a new order: "Die!"

Rewards Granted

Hypostyle Chamber:

  • Cloak of Resistance (+1) - Found after defeating the mimic disguised as a sarcophagus.
  • Bag of Holding (Type I) - Also retrieved from the mimic.
  • Pale Green Prism (Cracked) Ioun Stone (saves) - Another item that the mimic had ingested.
  • Wand of Cure Light Wounds (8 charges) - Retrieved alongside other items from the mimic.
  • Wall of Remove Curse.
Subsidiary Chapel of Ra:
  • Papyrus Scroll of Searing Light.
Pharaoh's Harem:
  • Various Jewelry - Worn by the zombie lords, worth a total of 500 gp.
  • Bottle of Magically Preserved Fine Wine - Valued at 500 gp.
  • Silver Necklace with a Blue Gemstone (Periapt of Health).
  • A Key.
Aurixalar, the "Golden Sovereign” ancient wyrm gold dragon:

Missions/Quests Completed

  • The Helm of Titan's Fury was discovered, unfortunately, still worn by the self-appointed god-king Sekh-pa-Mafer III.

Character(s) interacted with

  • Aurixalar - The ancient wyrm gold dragon bound to the magical barrier in the Burial Chamber, who shared the tragic tale of the Helm of Titan’s Fury and its effects on Pharaoh Sekh-pa-Mefer.
  • Pharaoh Sekh-pa-Mefer III was mentioned throughout as the ruler whose tomb the party was exploring. The ancient Osiriani hieroglyphs on the walls proclaimed more of Pharaoh Sekh-pa-Mefer Ill's deeds and accomplishments in life. The carvings depict his death, funeral, and interment in his tomb. The scenes showed the dead pharaoh rising as a deity and continuing his rule over his subjects as a god-king.
  • Sweep, the armless construct, was there too and ready to teleport the party to safety.

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