Session 0 - The Adventure Begins

General Summary

It was just another day in the town of Ravengro.   Kasama Bud, former paladin of Erastil and current farmland owner, sent her son Alfie Budd into town to submit their final loan payment to the Harvesters Guild. Accounting Scribe and childhood acquaintance of Alfie's, Marcus Jolsen, grudgingly accepted the payment despite nursing a hangover and Alfie's pleasant demeanour.   Vaz'non rarely received house guests that weren't Valkus Dun, garrison priest of Iomedae. So when one of Ravengro's most dangerous citizens, the albino half-orc Kullen came to visit, Vaz'non was concerned. Kullen had come to tell Vaz'non that he would now be working for Kullen. He needed some magical backup in his crew, and Vaz'non was just who he was looking for. Vaz'non told him he'd have to think about it. Kullen told him they would speak again soon. It was more of a threat than a suggestion.   Green Leaf paid a visit to the Midnight Salute, one of the brothels in Ravengro. The madame of the establishment, Purple Prose, requested some of Green Leaf's special "male enhancement medicines" for a wealthy noble who would be returning to the Midnight Salute. He had been by earlier, and Green Leaf noticed the well-concealed bruise on Purple Prose's face. The noble had become very frustrated and stormed out. Purple Prose expected him to return, and she wanted to be ready when he did. "The Midnight Salute does not disappoint their customers," she told Green Leaf.   Tike Myson and Calen watched a magical performance aboard the riverboat The Azure Serpent. Below deck, Feirnar was lost in a nightmare of prophecy. Together the trio arrived in Ravengro, where it was recommended they spend the night at The Stone Chalice. A far safer option than walking into the Feral Dog this late at night.


  • The session started by going over house rules and campaign guidelines, finishing off with a character introduction to Ravengro.

Age of Worms


Report Date
19 Aug 2023
Primary Location

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