Session 28 - Silas the Slaughtered

General Summary

24 Sarenith (June) 4725   The Ruinlords arrived at the Veiled Lotus Monastery to compete in a challenge issued by Silas the Hunter. Norreth, a Minotaur monk of the Way of the Long Death, would oversee the contest. Several monks were present, meditating and tapping into the competitors' ki to study them should they brush with death. Boniface Halbert presented Norreth with the sponsorship money that he would give to Silas if Silas' gladiator party managed to win the combat challenge.   The Hunting Party, consisting of Silas, Kullen, and four bodyguards, were ready for combat. The arena was abuzz with excitement as the match began. The rules were clear: surrender was an option, but victory must be definitive.   Vaz'non set the tone for the battle when he gravely injured Silas before the young man could start the combat. It was enough to disrupt any strategy he had. Silas, looking to avenge his repeated losses to the Ruinlords, threw caution to the winds and charged the party with the hope that his bodyguards would be there to keep him alive. The bodyguards split their roles; three engaged in frontline defence, protecting Silas, while the archers targeted casters from a distance to disrupt their spellcasting.   As the battle intensified, Norreth used his ki to manipulate the battlefield that, affecting all combatants. The monks also intervened to stabilize fallen fighters when possible, ensuring their life essence could be studied.   The tide of the battle shifted when Silas fell victim to a Tike Myson knockout punch. The bodyguards focused on defending Silas while Kullen fought alone. With the heavy hitters divided, they became easy prey. Dunner killed Silas, Fiernar knocked Kullen unconscious, and the two remaining bodyguards promptly surrendered.   Days after the contest, Alistair Clancy thanked the party for their assistance at Blackwell Keep. Alistair provided them with the address of Elric Toplo in Caliphas City, along with a scroll of teleportation and an Amulet of Expanded Teleportation to facilitate their journey.   The plan was to depart from Vaz'non's home outside Ravengro. However, Kullen arrived before the rest of the Ruinlords did. He awkwardly shared a moment of camaraderie with Vaz'non, who invited the albino half-orc to keep an eye on his place while the Ruinlords were out of town.   Upon arrival in Caliphas City, the party was greeted by the sprawling district of The Cairns, home to the resilient Kellid people. They observed the tightly packed tenements and shacks adorned with Kellid decorations and glyphs. Navigating through the narrow alleys, they encountered a Whisper Market, a secretive event where Kellids traded in outlawed shamanistic items and ancient lore.   Their journey continued as they reached the imposing Castle Balatz, Caliphas's main trade gate. After a thorough inspection by the guards involved some negotiation and Cal flashing his Sleepless Agency credentials, the party was granted entry into the bustling city.   Inside Caliphas, they witnessed a parade celebrating the upcoming Champion’s Games in Tymon. The spectacle included street performers and a menagerie but also attracted thieves. The party had just confronted the thieves when a chimera broke free from its cage and began to wreak havoc among the crowd.

Rewards Granted

Norreth presented the party with 5000gp that Boniface had planned to give to Silas.

Age of Worms


Report Date
03 Aug 2024
Primary Location
Secondary Location
Caliphas City

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