Session 10 - Whispers and Wind Warriors

General Summary

18 Desnus (May) 4725   In the depths of the Whispering Cairn, the intrepid adventurers found themselves in a cavernous space known as the Chamber of Sighs. This enigmatic room, bathed in a light reminiscent of a summer day, was a marvel to behold. It featured a deep, dark chasm, surrounded by a large stone walkway that led to a perilous central ring, accessible only via partially destroyed platforms. The chamber's walls were adorned with enormous bas-reliefs, each telling a tale from the life of the legendary Wind Duke, Zosiel. These ancient carvings, crude at first glance, revealed their intricate details and stories when shrouded in mysterious steam, animating the scenes of history and legend.   The first relief depicted a serene landscape where alien, ethereal beings frolicked under a sky dotted with perfect circles, symbolizing worlds under their dominion. This peaceful scene was soon overshadowed by the emergence of monstrous creatures, signifying the looming threat of chaos that would disrupt this tranquility. Another relief showed a towering warrior, bedecked in the glyphs of the Wind Dukes, leading a legion of warriors in a display of unity and strength against impending chaos. In yet another, the presentation of the famed warhammer Requiem to a council of their peers captured a pivotal moment in their lore. The climax of these tales was vividly portrayed in a bas-relief showing the final battle between the forces of Law and Chaos, where the heroic acts of the Wind Dukes were immortalized in their battle against Zalatas, the demonic harbinger of destruction.   However, the chamber held more than just stories. As the party ventured further, they were confronted by two ancient wind warriors, remnants of a long-forgotten era. These ethereal guardians, emerging from a mysterious column of air, were clad in ceremonial armour and wielded twin swords. The ensuing battle put the party's bravery and skill to the test as they navigated the room's complex layout, utilizing tactical acumen to overcome these formidable foes.   Their journey led them next to the true resting place of Zosiel, the minor Wind Duke warrior, whose death was intricately depicted in a fresco. This final room held a white marble sarcophagus, an exact replica of one found earlier in their journey. A bas-relief near the sarcophagus showed Zosiel, a bald androgynous warrior, in a moment of surprise as a globe of absolute blackness, a sphere of annihilation, touched him. The sarcophagus, when opened, revealed the treasures within, offering both wealth and items of significant power.

Rewards Granted

Found within the sarcophagus were the remaining items of the Wind Duke Zosiel:  

  • Two clay urns filled with bars of gold, each urn valued at 500 gp, and topped with garnets worth 100 gp apiece.
  • A Headband of Inspired Wisdom +2, a silver diadem graced with Zosiel's personal glyph.
  • The magnificent "Dawnblade" (longsword +1), radiating with celestial energy and adorned with runes of law and justice.
  • Two long, slightly curved black horns with red tips, potentially valuable artifacts.
  • A mysterious pewter box inscribed with alien glyphs housing a dormant but powerful talisman of the sphere, a minor artifact of transmutation magic.

Level Three!

Age of Worms


Report Date
20 Dec 2023

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