Issue Four: Matter of Perspective


Cora had a awkward reunion with their estranged mother, who's now dedicated to running a halfway house for recovering supervillains. She expressed regret for the past, albeit subdued, and offered Cora a room until they could find an apartment of their own. Cora additionally expressed interest in helping out with the patients recovery.   Later that night Ron awoke in the hospital, where his teammates waited as he and Roy sleep. Roy expresses pride in Ron's performance, commending him for doing the utmost to be a hero: saving someone, whatever the cost. Ron says he doesn't feel worthy, like he didn't do enough, prompting the others to encourage him for what he's done. Roy gives him a bit of advice and a book of flying techniques, stating that he has a lot of work to do, but he's surely worthy.   No_Clip and First of May visit MeRITs headquarters in the Starlanes, where they're told a shocking truth: Eli's powers are the result of an Ideaspace accident, which has also sent her 42 years into the future. Demetra sees a potential problem, as AEGIS will be looking to take Eli into custody in time, the question of their competence be damned. Additionally the process of sending Eli back home will be complicated....and costly. They will have to contact a sponsor for a grant. She advises them to return with the Rocket when he's recovered. First of May takes a moment to speak to Eli, who is hesitant to open up, but thankful to them.   Of course, shortly after this Sofi calls Norma, telling her that she is planning a protest alongside other victims of Empath. She's been deeply disturbed by the incident and calls for what she sees as justice: Eli brought into AEGIS custody, per Metahuman Hazard law. Norma argues a bit, which leaves Sofi downtrodden, especially when she can't be there to support her. She sees the heroes as failing the people, protecting the aggressor rather than the victims. When they inform Demetra of the situation she is further stressed, urging the heroes to do whatever they can to quell the controversy, lest it become a PR disaster for a institute already in uncertain straits.    After a chat on the bus No_Clip and First of May depart before meeting up again on the day of the protest. No_Clip again attempts her free running strategy and again finds herself freefalling. Attached to a grappling arrow held by the Rocket, First of May fires a net arrow below No_Clip, sending her flying into the air, and giving her the boost she needs to begin bounding through the Starlanes. While a triumphant moment, Norma can't help but feel insecure in the face of this. Her allies seem to have it figured out while she rides on training wheels.   When they arrive the crowd is in full swing outside the facility. A couple dozen people, roaring with an anger that must be heard. They take a moment to talk strategy before Rocket enters the facility to speak to Eli. She's much more receptive to him, opening up about her fears and the nature of her powers. Rocket says he wants to protect her, to insure she gets a choice in this. But she isn't sure if she should have one. What if she hurts someone? What if she can't get home? Does she want to? After an outpour Rocket offers to find someone to train her, so that her powers won't go awry again. That way she can go forward without fear. Still scared, but comforted, she accepts.   When Rocket returns outside the team briefly make a game plan before Rocket lands in front of the crowd. Charlie brings a recorder to his face, barking questions. Rocket stumbles a bit, but tries to express the point: It was an accident. A scared girl was given powers she couldn't control, and now she needs help. No_Clip backs him up, further explaining and appealing to the crowd, saying that proper precautions will be taken to assure this doesn't happen again. The crowd begins to relax, seeming to understand the group's point of view. Taking his mic back, Charlie's hand briefly rests on her arm. Looking No_Clip in the eyes, he tells her she did well, prompting looks from the other two. It's then that they realize that Sofi has run off.   Riding the bus back home, No_Clip and First of May speak a bit, with FOM asking why No_Clip hasn't shared her identity. She states she wants to keep her lives separate, as she's still figuring out how to be a hero. Rocket then calls, where the both of them tease No_Clip over Charlie, insisting he's her boyfriend or must know who she is, which she rejects quickly with annoyance in her voice.   After an awkward encounter with him at work Norma returns home that night, receiving a call from Charlie. He offers her an interview, which she tables for the moment. And more importantly, has tracked down a business associate of Mr. Amazing who may be able to offer valuable information. That night they'll set out to find her...........

Halcyon Daze
Report Date
21 Jul 2023

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