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The Boys Play D&D

A Dungeons & Dragons 5e game In the world of The
| Looking for Players
Supporting Cast
  • Fury
    Fury is a suspicious woman who is highly motivated to accomplish her tasks. Working for the Sentinels of the Gunnision Plains, she has learned how to operate on her own or with small temas, as well as learning to operate outside of the bounds of legality. She is known as one of the up and coming spies in the newly forming Sentinel Spy Network.
  • Gwynn Krogmar
    She is the granddaughter of the Elder Hulgrun, and has began taking over responsibility of the running of his group the Expeditioners. She has began better tracking the threats down in the mines by creating a group of scouts who move through the mines.
  • Hulgrun Kragmar
    Kragmar is one of the elders of the Kragmar Clan within Ku-Dova. He spent his younger years clearing out the Grand Mines, but eventually came up with the idea to run the Expeditioners and allow adventures from all around The Reach. He is afable and easy to get along with for most people, but he does not do the day to day operations.
  • Ilvaek Thunder-Warrior
    Ilvaek is a tough leader, but he is also quite young with a wild streak. He takes great pride in leading his braves, who are a cut above the rest within the Five Tribes. He is known for his great loyalty towards his den mother Vekha, and is a very spiritual leader, believing in a symbiosis between hsi clan and their valley
  • Jeremiah Freeman
    Jeremiah lead a handful of enslaved humans to freedom away from a group of hill giants. He is hard working, and his craft was carpentry before we has captured. He now plans to lead the people he helped free into a new life, and plans on trying to start over in Ku-Dova.
  • Jorbis Yoceli
    He is a young gnome, only forty-two tears old, and is from Stargrada. He grew up there and his parents were university professors in the college of invention and innovation at Bodewick’s University. Both of his mother taught classes on the practical applications of innovations classes. Under the tutelage he become and intelligent young gnome but always sought what was beyond the natural world. He asked that they allow him to go and take a spiritually journey on the Lake of Genesis to discover his true calling. They requested that eh not go because of the long journey, and they were not convinced the lake would help him. Despite their protest, he went and, on the water, had a vision in which Edaphin revealed themselves to him and emblazoned a desire to see the world and learn what was beyond the walls of a library and experience the intangible. With that being his goal, he joined the Academy of Scribes and Sages with the Sentinels of the Gunnison Plains and wanted to be on expedition teams that traveled along The Blood Peak Mountains, hoping to explore all of the rich history that could be found in them. He has been assigned to the Blood Peak mountains for almost eighteen years, and furiously maps every area that he travels into, ensuring that the Sentinels have detailed maps of the mountains. He is a short gnome, with harden skin. He wears chain mail that has thick wool underneath it as well a large pack strapped to his back. He has no hair anywhere on his head but wears a woolen hat with googles strapped to the top of them. On his pack it seems that he has long canasters that fit maps inside them strapped to the side.
  • Ragnar Davids
    He is a half orc paladin, who comes from the mountains in the Gunnison Plains. He grew up in one of the few orc and human settlements in all of The Reach, and when their village was attacked the Sentinels of the Gunnison Plains came to defend them from raiding parts from the Vastran Kingdom. Him and his brother Dagnar both dreamed of joining the ranks of the Sentinels after that day. Dagnar was two years older then Ragnar, and was able to enlist in the Sentinels at the high of the Absurd Wars. Six months after enlisting, word reach the David’s family that their son had been killed fighting in the fields of lower Gunnison, protecting the grains stores the sentinels used to feed their army. Heart broken Ragnar did not loose his passion to join the Sentinels, but instead redirected it so when he would join them, he could not only strike down his enemies but protect his allies from death. He has himself over to the Brina, the Grain God. Seeing her as the provider for life for The Gunnison Plains, he desired to use her power to provide for his people too. He is now 54, and a veteran of the Absurd War as well as having lead teams of Sentinels into the Vastran Kingdom to run retaliatory, preventative first strikes, that had been run by Caitlin Vastra all during the Absurd Wars. He is extremely untrusting of the Vastran Kingdom, but does not hold it against anyone for working for them or with them when the job becomes available.
  • Vekha Thunder-Warrior
    Vekha is an elderly Den Mother, having held her statues for over 40 years. She has helped guide the Thunder Warrior in their continued dominance over the Kavi Valley, and is looking desire's to have her people great name exalted again. She is a warm and welcoming host to those who come to the Kavi Valley in peace.

This story is told by

The Protagonists

Tourinne Evershade
