Session 5 - On the Road Report

General Summary

The party tracked down Mithiope, after she was whisked away by Jesselin. Mithiope and Jesselin were kidnapped by unknown assailants. While the party tracked down Mithiope's whereabouts, she awoke to meet a bronze dragon wyrmling named Ghumei, who she negotiated with to leave.   Arkhan, the leader of the fort where she and Jesselin were being held, confronted the party, and they did battle.   During the skirmish, Arkhan grew tired of Ghumei's sheepish reluctance to fight and slew him in one blow, resurrecting him as a Dracolich.   The party barely escaped the clutches of Arkhan and Ghumei, by taking a portal cast by Jesselin away to Katamarin, the capital of Elnemora, and some say... the Continent.

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