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The Return of the Old Gods

A Dungeons & Dragons 3.5 game In the world of Therisia
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Supporting Cast
The Old Gods, those primordial beings that created the world and then disappeared, have returned. Summoned using an old forgotten ritual, they have returned to the material plane from the Limbo where they were banished Millennia ago. Betrayed by gods from another plane, the goddess Soliana and her pantheon were put in Limbo while Helios and his gods took what they had created.   Now, 6 members of the Old Gods have returned and look to take back what is theirs. But, how can they do this in a world where belief is power. As a god, your power is proportional to the number and zealousness of your followers. When nobody remembers you, you are about as strong as the mortals you once created. Can they gather followers while remaining hidden from the gods of the world?

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